Chapter 1

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"Kaitlin, I really appreciate you helping me out here at the bookstore."

"It's no problem at all, Dani. What are friends for? Besides, when it's not busy it gives me time to work on my writing."

"I know it's just a matter of time until I'm selling your book here." Dani grins.

"If only I was as confident about my writing as you are." Kaitlin frowns as she unloads books from the latest shipment.

Dani pats her friend on the back. "Well, you're my favorite author."

Kaitlin rolls her eyes, "Okay quit sucking up. What do you want?"

"Can you watch the store for an hour while I run an errand?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"Thanks, Kate. You're the best."

Kaitlin blows out a breath as she looks at the overwhelming pile of books to be stocked. In an attempt to save time, she takes an extra large pile in her arms; resting her chin on the top to stabilize it and heads for the back of the store. As she quickly rounds the corner, she sucks in a sharp breath as the firm body slams into her. The impact takes her by complete surprise. Her eyes immediately go to the books strewn across the floor. As she bends down to retrieve them she hears the deep voice with a sexy British accent.

"I'm so sorry. Are you alright?"

Kaitlin raises her head slowly to take in the man kneeling beside her. Holy crap. She's frozen as she takes in the handsome young man with the beautiful green eyes; a sweet look of concern on his face.

"I shouldn't have come around the corner so quickly. Did I hurt you...?"

Kaitlin smiles shyly as she realizes he's waiting for her name. "Kaitlin, I'm Kaitlin."

The handsome stranger smiles, revealing the sexiest dimples she's ever seen. "That's a beautiful name." Extending his hand for her to shake. "I'm Harry."

Still mesmerized by his incredible good looks, Kaitlin holds on to his hand a bit longer than necessary. Finally coming to her senses, she releases his hand and reaches for the dropped books.

"Here, let me." Harry says, quickly retrieving the large pile of books. He stands, holding the books in one hand and offering his other hand to Kaitlin.

She takes it, her eyes trailing up his lean, muscular body as she stands. Her eyes pause at his chest then realizing how tall he is her eyes continue up to meet his. He's at least a foot taller than her.

The adorable smile returns to his face. "Let me help you with these. Where do they belong?"

"Oh, um back there." Kaitlin points before leading Harry to the back shelf. Once there, Kaitlin reaches for one of the books, placing it on the shelf. When she turns to take another from him, he looks into her eyes with a sexy grin.

"You have the most beautiful eyes, Kaitlin. Such a unique shade of green."

She swallows hard. "Thank you."

Harry leans against the shelf, smirking. "If I'm quite honest, I find myself getting a bit lost in them."

Kaitlin looks down, grinning. She can feel the pink rising on her cheeks.

Harry looks at the final book left in his hand. "Nicholas Sparks. Is he your favorite author?"

She meets his eyes with a smile. "Considering I'm a writer, yes. I aspire to be like him."

"A writer who works in a bookstore?"

"This is my friend's store. I'm helping her out while I write the next great novel." Kaitlin smirks.

"Greater than Nicholas Sparks?" Harry asks with a teasing grin.

"Well...I don't know about that. Have you ever read any of his books?"

"No." Harry smiles, "I have watched his movies though."

Leaning her hip against a shelf of books, Kaitlin turns to face Harry. "The movies are good, but the books are always better."

Harry nods, "Alright, pick out your favorite for me to read first."

Surprised, Kaitlin replies, "Really?"

"Really." Harry confirms.

Kate turns to the shelf of books, "It's impossible for me to choose a favorite." Turning back to Harry, she asks, "Have you seen Safe Haven?"

He thinks briefly, "No."

"Perfect." Kaitlin smiles, taking the book from the shelf and handing it to Harry. "You should read this one."

Harry takes the book from her, his hand purposely grazing hers. "When I'm finished you'll watch the movie with me?"

Kaitlin is frozen for a moment, still trying to process the flutter in her chest when their hands touched. Just as she opens her mouth to reply, the sound of her friend's irritated, loud voice pauses her.


She rushes to the counter, Harry right behind her.

Without looking up from the register, Dani begins, "Where the hell were you? There were two customers waiting to check out."

Harry steps forward. "I'm afraid that's my fault."

Dani looks up, first taking in the handsome Brit then looking to her friend.

Kaitlin grins at Dani's shocked expression. "Dani, this is Harry. Harry, this is my friend, Dani."

Harry extends his hand. "Nice to meet you, Dani. You have an amazing store here. I'm afraid I was distracting Kaitlin."

Dani smirks as she releases his hand. "I bet you were."

Harry laughs.

"Dani!" Kaitlin shakes her head.

"What?" She grins.

Harry leans against the counter. "I'd like to purchase this book." As Dani rings it up, he lowers his voice slightly, asking her, "I was wondering when Kaitlin's break is? I'd like to take her out for a cup of coffee."

Dani smiles, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "You are in luck because Kate's shift just ended."

Harry grins, those perfect dimples emerging again. "Is that so?"

"Yep, so you two can take as long as you'd like."

Harry turns to Kaitlin, "Perfect. Will you join me? Please?"

The sweet, pleading look in his eyes causes her heart to jump. "Give me a minute?"

"Of course. I'll be right over there." Harry makes his way to a table, opening his book.

Kaitlin moves behind the counter, lowering her voice. "Dani, you know why I shouldn't go with him."

"Kate, it's just coffee."

She raises her eyebrows. "Just coffee? Have you seen him?" Both ladies turn to look at Harry, finding him already looking at Kaitlin. His cheeks turn a soft pink as he realizes he's been caught.

Dani grins, "Consider it writing research. You know, a handsome prince that steals the princess away from the horrible ogre."

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