Chapter 6

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 The incessant pounding on the door wakes Kaitlin with a start. Looking at the clock on her bedside table she sees it's 6:30am. What the hell? Reaching for her robe, she heads for the door.

"Kaitlin, open up!"

She rolls her eyes as she turns the knob. When she swings the door open she's greeted with a scowl and a gruff, "It's about time."

"What do you want, Tony?" Kaitlin shuts the door, crossing her arms.

He turns toward her. Clearly he's beyond angry about something.

What is it this time?

"Who the hell is he? The guy you had over here last night?"

Kaitlin sighs. "Do you have your friends spying on me?"

"Who is he?" Tony insists.

Kaitlin uncrosses her arms, now resting them on her hips. "Tell me, Tony, are you upset because you don't want to lose me or are you just afraid of how it will make you look to your friends if I was with another man?"

Tony looks away from her, obviously not wanting to answer her question. It's okay, she already knows the answer.

He walks closer to her, standing directly in front of her. "You know you really should treat me better after what I did for you."

Kaitlin releases a large sigh. "How long are you going to hold that over my head?"

"It's a shame you aren't more appreciative." Tony adds, continuing with his usual guilt trip.

Kaitlin remains silent.

"Who is he?" Tony pushes.

"He's a friend."

"You have a guy here until after mIdnight last night and I'm supposed to believe he's just a friend?"


"I heard he kissed you."

"Tell Johnny to get his eyes checked. He just kissed my forehead."

"You think that's okay?"

Kaitlin raises her voice, "Maybe you shouldn't have chosen your friends over me last night."

Tony's jaw tightens. "I have to get to work, we'll finish this conversation later." He walks quickly past Kaitlin, slamming the front door behind him.

Kaitlin arrives at the bookstore early. She shares with Dani not only about this morning with Tony but last night with Harry as well.

"Kaitlin, I'm so sorry. You deserve better. For example, you deserve a sexy, handsome Englishman who treats you like a princess."

Kaitlin smiles, then remembering something Harry said last night she tilts her head, raising a brow. "Why were you telling Harry about me being obligated to Tony?"

"I didn't give any details. I guess Harry was just trying to figure out if you are with Tony because you are happy with him or if you stay for some other reason."

"What did you say?"

"Well, clearly you aren't happy, my friend. I've never seen you light up around Tony the way you do when you are with Harry. And Harry is obviously crazy about you."

Kaitlin leans against the counter, a pink blush flushing her cheeks. "You really think so?"

Dani laughs. "Are we back in high school? Do I need to pass him a note?" She grabs a pile of books to put away. As she walks past Kaitlin she quietly says, "Don't let Harry get away. He's your happily ever after."

Kaitlin takes in a deep breath then releases it. Pulling her phone from her pocket, she pushes the number before she can change her mind. Her heart pounds when she hears the voice on the other end.

"Kaitlin, is everything alright?"

"Yes. Harry...are you free tonight?"

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