Chapter 8

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Kaitlyn wipes her mouth, setting the napkin on the table. "That was delicious, Harry."


Kaitlyn stands, gathering the dishes. "I'll clean up since you cooked."

Harry joins her, taking the dishes from her. "I've got it, Princess."

Kaitlyn smiles. She's not used to such kindness. Looking around she spots an espresso machine. "How about I make us some lattes?"

Harry smiles. "Sure. Everything is in the cupboard above the machine."

Kaitlyn gathers everything she needs, noticing an unopened carton of soy milk in the fridge. She grins and moves to the cupboard to retrieve two glass mugs. Unfortunately they are on a higher shelf and Kaitlyn is not sure she can reach them. Getting on her tiptoes she reaches for the mugs, concentrating on not dropping anything.

All of a sudden, Kaitlyn feels a hard, strong body up against her back. A large warm hand starts at her bicep and traces it's way slowly up her outstretched arm to her hand. A whisper in her ear causes her knees to buckle. "Need some help, Princess?"

Kaitlyn allows her body to relax against Harry's.

He grabs the two mugs with one hand, placing them on the counter in front of Kaitlyn. He rests his arms atop hers, wrapping them in front of her. As he holds her close he begins to leave soft kisses on her neck. Unable to control herself, Kaitlyn freely releases the moans of pleasure his kisses cause. She and Tony haven't been intimate in months. Even when they were it never felt like this.

Harry whispers roughly in her ear. "I'm trying very hard to behave and be respectful of your relationship but you don't make it easy, Princess."

Kaitlyn sighs, turning in Harry's embrace to face him. "I'm sorry." A lone tear falls down her cheek.

Harry wipes it away. "For what, Love?"

"For being so complicated. For having so much baggage."

Harry pulls her in close, resting his forehead against hers. "You, my love, are worth any amount of complication and baggage. We can figure it all out together. Because in case you haven't noticed...I'm crazy about you, Princess." He pauses. "Boyfriend or no boyfriend."

Kaitlyn smiles. She's never heard anything that has made her more happy. Touching the side of Harry's face, she says. "Harry...I..."

A phone on the counter buzzes loudly, interrupting Kaitlyn.

"I'm sorry, it's security." Harry says as he picks up the phone. "What's wrong?"

Kaitlyn watches Harry's expression as he listens to the security guard on the other end. He pushes the button to put the call on speaker. "Who is he and what does he want?"

The security guard replies. "He says his name is Tony and that you have his girlfriend in there."

"Oh God." Kaitlyn rolls her eyes.

"Tell him to come up." Harry says into the speaker.

"Harry, no." Kaitlyn insists.

"It's fine, Princess."

Kaitlyn follows him to the front door. When he opens it, Tony and the security guard are standing there.

Tony looks past Harry to Kaitlyn. "What the hell are you doing, Kate? You cheating whore." Tony yells.

"Hey." Harry shouts equally loud. "Don't talk to her that way."

Tony moves closer to Harry, trying his best to look tough even though he is at least a foot shorter. "I'll talk to her however I choose. Right, Kate?"

Kaitlyn looks down. The familiar guilt resurfacing.

Harry turns back, not recognizing the sad, hopeless, timid woman in front of him. He uses two fingers to gently lift her chin until she meets his eyes. "You deserve better, Princess."

Tony chimes in. "What the hell are you talking about, pretty boy? You don't even know her."

Harry turns back to Tony. "I'm sure I know her better than you do. Who's her favorite author?"

Tony furrows his brows, clearly unaware of the answer.

Harry continues. "How does she like her coffee?"

Kaitlyn waits expectantly for his answer. Surely he must know this.

Tony shrugs. "Black."

Kaitlyn rolls her eyes. Apparently not.

Harry shakes his head. "What is the book she's writing about?"

Tony grins. "Who cares?"

Harry's hands clench into fists. "I care. I genuinely care about Kaitlyn and her likes and dislikes. Her dreams. You are an idiot who doesn't realize what he had. You don't deserve Kaitlyn."

"You said 'had'. She's still mine."

"You sure about that?" Harry turns to the security guard. "Get him out of here."

The guard pulls Tony out as he yells. "This isn't over, Kaitlyn. You owe me."

Harry locks the door behind them. He turns to Kaitlyn, pulling her close as the tears stream down her face.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 10, 2018 ⏰

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