Chapter 7

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Kaitlyn pulls up to the large iron gate. She sends a text, 'I'm here.' The gate begins to move, clearing a path for her. She parks, looking up at the huge modern house in front of her. When Harry suggested she come to his house tonight she knew it probably wasn't a good idea...but there's a part of her, a large part, that doesn't care.

The rap on her window startles her from her thoughts. Harry stands there with the sweetest grin on his face. She opens the door and he reaches for her hand to help her out. "Hello, Princess."

Any doubts Kaitlyn has about this evening vanish as she looks into Harry's eyes. "Hi, Harry."

He leans in, leaving a soft kiss on her cheek. "You look beautiful, Kaitlyn."

She swallows hard. I could really get used to this. "Thank you."

Harry takes her hand, entwining his fingers with hers. "Come on, let's go inside."

Kaitlyn smiles, wrapping her other hand around Harry's bicep as he leads her to the house.

As they enter the home, Kaitlyn is blown away. "This is incredible. Do you live here all the time?"

"Just when I'm in L.A."

Kaitlyn is mesmerized, taking in the floor to ceiling windows with a view of the ocean beyond.

Harry laughs, squeezing her hand. "Why don't you come help me finish dinner?"

She blushes, following him into the kitchen. "It smells great."

"Thanks." Harry releases her hand to gather the ingredients for a salad.

"Need some help?" Kaitlyn offers.

"Sure." Harry hands her some vegetables and a knife.

Kaitlyn washes her hands in the nicest sink she's ever seen, then begins to slice a cucumber. Harry is right beside her, putting lettuce in a bowl. A heat crawls up her neck onto her cheeks as she can feel him watching her. She turns to sneak a look at his handsome face when the pain hits her. She drops the knife, watching the blood drip from her finger.

Harry acts quickly, reaching for a towel, he wraps it around her finger. He squeezes it tightly as he wraps his other arm around her waist directing her to the sink. "It's okay, Princess. I've got you." He whispers in her ear.

Kaitlyn blows out the breath she was holding. Suddenly she feels calm, completely taken care of.

Harry runs her finger under cold water as he kisses her cheek. When he pulls her hand back and dries it the bleeding has mostly stopped. Reaching into a drawer, he retrieves a small first aid kit. Hoping up to sit on the counter, he pulls Kaitlyn in front of him between his open legs. "You alright, Princess?" He asks.

She nods. "Yes, thanks to you."

He laughs. "I didn't do much." Pulling her finger to his mouth, he lightly kisses the cut.

Kaitlyn's breath catches. She watches as he gently bandages her finger. "You did a lot, Harry. You made me feel calm and taken care of. I'm not used to that. I'm used to feeling alone."

Harry frowns, pulling her in closer. "You have a boyfriend, you shouldn't ever feel alone."

Kaitlyn rests her hands on Harry's thighs, looking up into his eyes. "I shouldn't...but I do. Except when I'm with you." Suddenly losing her nerve, she looks down.

Harry puts his hand under her chin, gently lifting it until her eyes meet his. He then combs his fingers through her hair, resting them there.

Kaitlyn's heart rate soars as Harry moves down, his lips dangerously close to hers. Her brain is telling her she shouldn't be doing this, but her heart is telling her this is exactly what she should be doing.

Harry's lips lightly touch hers when the timer rings from the stove. Her eyes are closed but she can feel his smile against her lips. She opens her eyes, stepping aside to allow him down from the counter.

As he heads to the stove, he winks at her. "Saved by the bell."

Kaitlyn leans against the counter, watching him cross the room. "I wouldn't say that." She says.

Harry turns back with a smirk.

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