Chapter 4

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Y/N's eyes widened and she turned around seeing Laxus with a smile hearing the question. Her mouth opened to respond but no words could come out. The Master was smiling until he saw her slowly start to shake her head. "No?" 

"No," The Master's eyes were wide as members began to get quieter listening to their conversation. "I-I can't be master, Laxus is next in line." Laxus looked up and everybody turned to him. 

"Just because he is my grandson does not make him the next master," 

"Well, why shouldn't he be the next master? He'd be just as good if anything better," Y/N threw her arms in the air. Laxus stepped forward. 

"Everyone in this room including me knows that you would be the best guild master ever," He smiled and Y/N's eyes were still wide. 

"I be the guild master?" Laxus nodded and she looked around seeing everybody smiling at her. "I-I don't know, Laxus this has been what you've always wanted." 

"How about this, when we win this you can give me an answer. I will still stay in the guild but, I will be resigning as the master." Y/N nodded and looked up at Laxus. 

"Ok," She mumbled. Time passed through the guild as they had begun planning their attack along with Mavis' help as she showed up explaining everything about the strongest wizards they'll go against including Zeref. It was no later at night and Y/N was getting undressed into a large button up she stole from Laxus. 

"Hey, that's mine last time I checked." 

"Don't really care," She smiled and he rolled his eyes. 

"Why do you like those so much?" 

"They smell like you and they're comfortable." She turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck. He smirked and wrapped his around her waist. 

"I think it'd be more comfortable with it off," He winked at her making her smirk back. 

"Oh do you?" She chuckled as he kissed her cheek. Their eyes closed as they just held each other tight. "Laxus, promise me something." 


"If something happens to me during all of this," He pulled back to say something but Y/N kissed him deeply and pulled back to silence him. "IF anything happens I want you to promise me to be the next guild master." 

"If anything happens to you I'm not sure I'd be able to stay in that guild." He whispers and pulls her back in for a hug and didn't loosen his grip. Y/N's eyes widen and she jumps up looking around. Laxus raised a brow and stood up. 

"You smell that?" Laxus tilted his head and began sniffing before a small gasp escaped his lips. "We gotta get to the guild," She ran to her side of the room and just tied a belt around her waist wearing his shirt as a dress and slipped on shoes. Laxus grabbed his coat and the two sprinted out. As they ran Y/N put her hair up and they got closer to the guild seeing the battle in the sky. Y/N opened the doors with anger on her face. "What the hell is going on?!" Mavis gave her a serious look. 

"We're being attacked from each side, and we've found a crack in Freed's shield." Y/N shook her head and looked at the screen seeing where each person was coming from. 

"How much longer till Jupiter recharges?" Warren ignored Y/N crying and she growled. "Warren we need your telepathy!" He cried more and Max rolled his eyes and kicked him from behind. 

"Get it together man!" 

"Don't kick me in the nuts man!" He yelled punching him. "Sorry Y/N, Osprey squad!" 

"Another 5 minutes almost there!" Bisca replied and Y/N smiled. 

"We need to think of a way to stop them, and fast." Y/N slammed her hand on the table and Mavis nodded. After only a matter of minutes The Thunder God Tribe after defeating one of the 12's machines a bomb had gone off in the cathedral injuring them all along with Ichiya who had come to help. Gray, Juvia, and the Strauss' have defeated the soldiers they had gone up against and Natsu was nowhere to be found. Y/N shook her head. "Warren call everyone back and send wizards out to help the Thunder Tribe." She walked over to Laxus seeing him in anger tapping his foot on the ground. 

"Laxus they are fine now there's nothing you could've done." 

"I should have been there," 

"They said lightning doesn't hurt him it's the worst match for you in a fight." She tried to comfort him. "Our frie- family will be fine. Once they are helped back I can use my healing magic on them and everything will go back as planned. Laxus nods as the members that were out beginning to walk in other than Natsu who was nowhere to find at the moment. Thunder Tribe was helped to the infirmary and Y/N helped to start to heal them as Mavis gave orders. After a few minutes, she comes back out to a few members in anger. Laxus 'tsked' and Y/N rose a brow. 

"Natsu went to go take on Zeref himself, brat." 

"Change of strategy then!" Gray rolled his eyes. Y/N sighed. 

"First what do you think?" 

"We'll have to leave our faith in Natsu, he did say something about having a secret weapon of some sort before." Gray crossed his arms. 

"You can't tell me you have NO faith in him," Lucy chuckled. Gray's cheeks turned a slight pink looking away. 

"I have faith in him it's just like that's Zeref and he's going there all alone..." Y/N couldn't hold her laugh. 

"Aww, is Gray finally starting to show that he cares about Natsu?" Gray grumbled. 

"Shut up Y/N," 

"Alright first and I have discussed, Gray, Erza in Natsu's place, Wendy, Juvia, Laxus, and I will be heading south to fight. Everyone else stays behind or go to the west and make sure no more of those sky ships come in here got it?" Everybody nodded. "One more thing, Lucy, and Cana had brought in on of the 12 who are being used as a 'prisoner' in some sense. But, we want her to not feel physically threatened if she is then she definitely won't say anything, those wizards are built to take those turtles so they don't speak." Y/N finished and she with the other ran out to their positions ready to fight. 

"You know that machine guy's real form is in the south," Laxus grumbled as Y/N spoke. "Lightning may not have been effective on his machines but maybe it will be in his physical form." He smirked and Y/N smiled. "Kick his ass Laxus," 

Okay! Okay! I am really really reallllllyyyy sorry! I know I haven't updated in forever it's just harder since I'm doing this off the manga! In order to understand this chapter, you NEED to read the mangas I skipped parts and shrunk parts. EX I never gave the scene info of how Brandish was taken as a hostage from Cana and Lucy but I said it towards the end. PLEASE READ THE MANGA! Also, I've seen comments from people asking if I am okay and I am thank you for asking. School has just been hard, ASB, and I'm just having a lot of writer's block. In all of my books which is very stressful. Not to mention that guys are confusing AF and I've had drama with that sooooooooo YEAH! But I just wanna say thank you guys for being so patient I love all of you and if you're a guy don't be offended by that last comment cause I'm sure you say the same about girls and it's just most guys. Anyways Bye love you! 

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