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Welcome to Fiore Academy for wizards and witches alike. There are many sections of the school like potion making, Quidditch and much more. Then there are the houses also known as the guilds. In the centre of each house area is a hall where members of that house can relax, party and get away from the stress. This is the guild hall. There are many houses. Sabertooth, Lamia Sale, Blue Pegasus, Crime Sorciare, Raven Tail, Quatro Cerberus, Mermaid Heel, Oracion Seis and Fairy Tail. There are the bad apples in those houses and the good apples. But some of them are entirely bad with not one good apple inside. These are Raven Tail and Oracion Seis. The dorms in the school are like normal dorms. You have the boys dorms and the girls dorms. But in this school there is one more. It is where the best are. They are the best in brains, magic or Quidditch. And there are only boys. 9 to be exact. Natsu, Loke, Laxus, Gray, Gajeel, Sting, Rouge, Jellal and Zeref. The boys here are known as the Elites simply because they are elite. And there are 2 sections to the school. You have the high school and the middle school. They are the same but of course different in levels of magic and things. The way you are put into a house or guild is simple. During your 1st week you visit as many of the different guilds/houses and spend a day in that house to see what it would be like. Then at the end of the week you choose and their insignia will be magically added to your robes or blazers. Some students prefer to wear robes but the Elite wear blazers. The colour of the blazer matches their magic. It is a normal week of school, so you still will get weekends off. We hope you enjoy your time here at Fiore Academy. And please.......

Don't be as annoying as the Elites......

Hey guys! So I actually came up with this a long time ago before I got Wattpad and I wrote it on my notes on my old phone but then it was binned!! I actually had a few stories so I might be adding them to Wattpad soon so enjoy!!!! 😭😭😭 So now I am here to re-write it and share it with you!!!! I hope you enjoy!!!

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