#Day 6 - Mermaid Heal

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Lucy POV:

I had to wake up early today.. blarg! All because I want to see what Mermaid Heal is like.. They know I'm a girl and have promised to keep it secret so I'm safe with that. Getting changed, I peep round my door to make sure no one was around since I'm dressed as the girl I am, I can't let them see or they'll know! Once I'm sure the coast is clear I step out and, as quietly as possible, close the door behind me; making sure no one was around to hear or see me. I began to lock my door when, "Lucas?" I stopped. Oh no! Oh no oh no! Ohnoohnoohnoohnoohnoohnoohno!!! I'm so dead!!! Welp. My secret is out of the bag. I turned to see Rogue standing there with his hair tussled in a bed head and I gotta admit, he looked cute. He also had his shirt hanging more on one side so his sleeve rode up to his neck while the other sleeve went a lot lower. Even in the dark I could tell his eyes were wide open with bags under. Had he heard me?! He had a look of pure shock on his face when he saw me. After all, I was dressed in a skirt and tank top... "Lucas? Is that... you?!" He yelled but I quickly clamped my hand over his mouth making his voice become muffled. "Shh!" He blinked but nodded. I moved my hand away and sighed. "Lucy. It's Lucy." He blinked but nodded. "So why are you pretending to be a boy?" He asked, still quite shocked. "Because... most people only became my friends because of who I was... so if I was someone else then I would know that they were real friends and not people who were using me." I said, rubbing the back of my neck, ashamed of myself. He placed a hand on my shoulder and I looked up at him. "It doesn't matter who you are or what gender. True friends can be found even if you're... Uh... you?" He asked slightly confused making me giggle. I noticed a faint pink dust his cheeks and made him look even more cute with that bed head and tired eyes. "Can you please not tell anyone?" I begged. He sighed but nodded. "Fine... but it's gonna be weird from now on." He said. I guess he was right, after all, one boy now knows I'm a girl living with a bunch of boys. "Thank you." I smiled and hugged him. I felt him stiffen but quickly relax and hug back. I quickly pulled away. "I'll see you later." I said while walking to the door. "What should I tell the others?" I stopped. I didn't even think about that! "Oh... Uh... tell them I tried out Tartarus because I'm not actually going to try that one so it's fine." He nodded and I left the dorm.

Making my way downtown, walking fast- bumping into a metal pole... Rubbing my nose, I looked up to see that I made it to Mermaid Heal. Wow... It was a large building. I took a breath and stepped inside. It was amazing!

I walked inside and it was even bigger!! "Hello there!" I looked behind me and saw a girl with dark hair and a girl with cat ears. "Hello, I am Kagura and this is Milliana." Kagura said and Milliana waved. I waved back. "We are aware of your- situation as is everyone else here in the Mermaid Heal Guild But we have been sworn to secrecy so you needn't worry." She said with a slight smile. "Oh, thank you." I said as I bowed my head slightly. "Now then, let's show you what being a Mermaid is all about! RIGHT GIRLS?!" Millianna cheered and that caused an uproar from everyone else.

For the rest of the day, we were cooking, reading, studying and having fun! I really like Mermaid Heal. As I left Millianna waved bye to me. "Bye Milly!" I yelled when suddenly I bumped into a masculine chest. I looked up and saw Rogue. "Oh.. Hey Rogue. What's up?" "I just came to give you these," He said, handing me my 'normal' clothes. "All the boys are back in the dorm so you should get them on before you go inside. Plus, you might wanna think of what you're gonna say." I sweat dropped. "I... forgot about that part..." I said, rubbing my neck. He simply shook his head.

When we walked in, me being in my 'normal' clothes, the boys ran over. "Which guild did you try today?!" Natsu and Sting asked in unison. "Uh... well, when I left this morning I was on my way to the Fairy Tail one but- Uh... someone found me when I got lost and showed me to their one which was called-." Trying to think of a name on the spot I said the first thing that popped up. "Tartarus." All ye boys but Rogue gasped. "DON'T GO THERE!!" They all yelled in unison. "I won't be, it's too-." I looked to Rogue who mouthed 'evil'. "Evil-? for my liking." I said as Rogue nodded.

Hey guys, I'm REALLY sorry for not updating sooner. I couldn't think of anything to write for ages. I just wasn't inspired plus I've had exams I've needed to revise for. Anyway, here it is! Once my exams are over I should hopefully be updating sooner.

And if you all complain at the fact that Rogue found out first here:

And if you all complain at the fact that Rogue found out first here:

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I used a random name generator and it came up with Rogue. So you can't say I didn't cheat and if you say I could've kept changing it I can assure you I haven't. I screenshotted the very first one. Anyway, see y'all later! BYE!

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