#Day 2 - Lamia Scale

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Lucy woke up the next day and walked out into the lounge and saw all the boys sitting there while looking at her. "What?" She asked. "Well? Where are you going today?" "Oh. I'm thinking... Lamia Scale." Gray groaned which caught her attention. "What's wrong?" She asked confused. "That's where Lyon is..." he grumbled. 'Lyon? Are they friends?' She thought to herself. "Well, I'll see you all later!" She said while walking out. "Bye Lucas!" They all called after her.

She soon arrived at a large building. 'This is it.' She thought while looking at the sign. She pushed the door open and saw people talking and hanging around. "Hello there." She turned round and saw a tall man with a really long beard standing there. "You're Wizard Saint Jura, right?" She asked. He nodded. "And I presume you are the new student Lucas?" She nodded. He extended his hand towards her in a friendly manner. "Well it's a pleasure to have you with us. I am guessing you are looking at which house to join?" Again, she nodded. "Alright. If you have any questions feel free to ask someone and I'm sure they'll be happy to help." "Thank you Jura." She smiled. He nodded while smiling before walking away. She then turned back to the hall and began to look around. A few people stopped and stared but that was it. Everyone else went about their normal routine. "You're in the same dorm as Gray, aren't you?" She heard a voice behind her. When she turned around she saw a male with white hair. "Yeah I do." She said. The man smirked. "Do you know each other?" He nodded. "We were taught our magic by the same person." Lucy formed an 'o' shape with her mouth. "How about s fight. You and me, here and now. What do you say?" She thought about it. 'If I do this then I get to learn something about Gray since they'd use the same magic...' "Alright. I'll fight you." She smirked while cracking her knuckles. "I'm Lyon by the way." He said while extending his hand. "Lucas." She said while taking his and shaking it. "Alright then. Let us begin." And with that he shot ice at her. "Ice make eagle!" A bunch of little eagles made of ice shot towards her. Lucy easily dodged them all. Creating a portal where she was about to land and disappeared. "What?!" Lyon gasped. Suddenly, a portal appeared behind him and he was shot forward with magic. He turned round and saw Lucy standing there. "I've never seen that type of magic before." She shrugged. "Meh. It's just a little trick I like to do." She said. Doing a finger gun gesture a small ball of purple magic with black smoke surrounding it shot out and went straight through Lyon. He smirked as did she. His smirk then fell and he fell to the floor. She walked over and held out her hand which he gladly took. "Man you're strong." He said while dusting off his clothes.  She smiled. "So are you." She said while stepping back slightly due to the close proxemics. "I'm guessing you're new here to Fiore Academy then?" She nodded. "I've got some tips for you. 1, don't join Raven Tail. 2, don't join Oracion Seis. C- no- 3, Mermaid Heal is just for girls so you can't join that one." He said. She nodded in reply. 'Imma still try them.' She thought to herself. For the rest of the day she spent her time hanging round and talking. When she got back to the dorm she wrote it all down in her diary.

That's all for now. See y'all later!

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