#Day 3 Blue Pegasus

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She thought about it last night. When she walks to the lounge the boys are there. "So which one is it today?" "Blue Pegasus." Loke smirked and walked over to him. "Excellent. I will be able to teach you the ways of flirting." Lucy and the others rolled their eyes while Loke posed dramatically. He then took her hand and pulled her out of the dorm. He pulled her all the way to the Blue Pegasus guild hall. He pushed open the door. "After you." Loke said, bowing. She rolled her eyes and walked in. A large man walked over. "I'm Bob. We met before." Lucy smiled. "Nice to see you again Master Bob." She said, extending her hand. He shook it with great force. Suddenly, 4 boys were around her, one being Loke. "Gentlemen, this is Lucas. He is deciding which guild to join so let's make sure he joins the right one~." "Right boss!" They saluted. "Did I hear... new student?" A silky smooth voice echoed. Lucy shuddered. "What?" All of a sudden, a spot light was placed on the stairs where a-... man... stood. He walked down the stairs while sniffing the air. "Their parfume... is simply... ahhhhh. Man~." He said? Lucy backed away. "But this scent also seems to... girly..." He whispered so only Lucy heard. She gasped but shook her head.

For the rest of the day she was taught how to be a 'gentleman' and a play boy. She was exhausted. Never in her life has she ever wanted to be a girl as much as she did then. They also did lessons but through the entire thing, girls came over and flirted with her so he had to decline which made them mad or upset. It wasn't fun. She won't be going back there any time soon.

Sorry it's so short and sorry for not updating. Anyway, I hope to update in the future more quickly. See y'all later!

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