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Long ago, longer now then it seems, there comes a tale you must see to believe.

There was once five majestic kingdoms ruled by great kings and queens.

There was the Cloud Empire. The Cloud Empire lies in east. This is one of the oldest civilizations in the land. In the history of the ancient empire, it merged some ethnic cultures, derived out of some new as well.

Both eastern ancient city and comfortable town can be seen around the empire. It is well known for it's traditional ways.

Next there was the kingdom of Vuelie. This kingdom lies in the high Northen mountains and is covered in thick, icy snow for most of the year. It is known for it's harsh winters and violence towards their enemies.

Then we have the kingdom of Furlora that rests in the South. Furlora is known for it's vast majority of plant life and their mostly peaceful nature. The people here are also very territorial and hate when intruders come onto their land.

After that is the realm of Kagaku in the West. This land is knownfor it's rocky landscape, scorching hot days and it's advances in science, medical care and technology.

Finally, we come the centre of all these kingdoms; the greatest of them all.

The kingdom of Ketsueki.

A mighty kingdom inhabited by both mutants and humans all over the world. It was known as the crown jewel of the Seven Kingdoms.

It was known for it's land, army and it's royal family.

But the most famous royal family was the Kame Dynasty. It lasted six generations but was still the mightiest of families...

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