The Book

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King Cody sighed as he headed back to his room after yet another long day ruling the kingdom of Ketsueki. He had bright red hair, green eyes, tanned skin and he wore a white shirt, black pants and purple robes.

He was 17 years old and had been king since he was eight but he was still struggling. His uncle from his father's side Duke Darius Dunn did try and help him but sometimes it felt like the duke was acting king.

When he arrived at his room he saw his personal servant and close friend Serling waiting for him.

"Good evening your majesty. How was your day?" He asked with a bow.

Cody groaned as he removed his crown and placed it on it's stand.

"I see." Serling replied.

"I don't know what to do Serling, Uncle Darius always goes against me and the people respect him." Cody groaned as Serling dressed him in his pyjamas. "No king could be this unlucky."

"That is not true my Lord."

"What do you mean?"

Serling chuckled and went to the bookshelf near the window. He pulled out thick brown hard cover book with yellow pages. In the centre of the cover was a small golden turtle.

"The Kame Dynasty?"

"Yes my Lord, even the greats have their bad days." Serling smiled as he opened the book on the first page...

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