Blooming Love

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After the introductions everyone started dancing and enjoying the music and food as the party ran without a problem. Raph desperately pushed through the crowd, searching for the one his heart desired.

Princess Leona of the Cloud Empire.

He then saw her sat at a table with her father and lady-in-waiting April O'Neil. They noticed him approaching and Yoshi glared at him. The young prince bowed before the princess and took her hand.

"Princess Leona, would ya honour me by joinin' me for a dance?" He asked a loving smile.

"The honour would be mine your grace." Leona smiled in a voice of sweet silk as she stood up and they walked into the centre of the ballroom. Everyone watched as they glided across the floor.

The two turtles were joined by other dancing couples soon after.

As the party continued Raph and Leona snuck out the ballroom, but unbeknownst by them Yoshi saw them and motioned for his most loyal soldier to follow them...

Raphael lead Leona into the dark, empty library not far from the ballroom. He lit three bright candles nearby and the two sat at one of the tables.

"Your library is much bigger than the one of my home." She said, looking around the mountains of books.

"Yeah, it's tha biggest one I've ever seen." Raph chuckled nervously.

"I don't understand, are you not a prince of Ketsueki?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh, not always." He admitted. "My dad was given the crown after he killed 'The Shredder."

"He was my uncle." She suddenly said.

"H-He was!?"

"Not by blood. My Grandfather, Hamato Yuuta, adopt Oroku Saki after he killed his father, Oroku Keiji for treason. He took pity on his now orphaned infant and raised him as his son and a prince of the Cloud Empire." Leona explained.

"Did you know him well?"

"No. When I was an infant Saki was crowned king of Ketsueki. All I know about him is that he and my father fought over my mother before her death." Leona sighed.

"I'm very sorry ta hear that, it must have been hard on ya." Raph said as he gently took her hand.

"I was only 2 weeks old when she died so I didn't really know her. Neither did Karai, she was only a year old." Leona sighed. But then she gave a soft chuckle. "My father always wanted a son. Our family doctors assured my parents that I would be a boy. My father was going to name me Leonardo and he had everything prepared for the birth of a male heir."

"I can't imagine his face when ya came out a girl."

"Yes, he was very disappointed, especially when his wife died. Not only had lost the love of his life but now he couldn't have a son. He blames me for my mother's death and hates that I wasn't a boy." Leona sighed.

"It shouldn't matter if yer a boy or a girl, yer father should love ya unconditionally." Raph growled.

"You don't understand. Princes can continue the royal line and secure the kingdom while princesses, such as myself, are used as a bargaining chip with other kingdoms, normally through marriage. A woman's destiny is control and determined by her father and her husband. Even my sister will only rule as her husband's wife, not empress." She explained with a sad look in her eyes.

Raph gave her hand a light squeeze.

"If I ever had a daughter, or any kids, I would let them choose their own path." He declared and this rose a laugh from Leona.

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