Chapter 17

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«Bianca's POV»

As I heard Jon leave the room I started balling. He'd come back wouldn't he?

Soon enough the door opened. I looked up to see Seth.

"Oh hi.." I said.

"What happen? Jon left furious." He asked.

I started crying even more when I said, "he told me he didn't know what to call me. Bee or Alli. I told him that I'm Bianca! Not Alli. Well I got all pissy and when he tried to comfort me I said 'leave me alone dean.'"

"Ouch. You called him dean?"

"Yup! An I always told him, I'm dating Jon not Dean. So that's probably why he's pissed. He just was being a ass about it and he wasn't being Jon.."

"He wasn't being Dean, Dean doesn't care about anybody. Jon loves you. I think he was just aggravated you didn't tell him about.. everything."

"I'm such an idiot. I thought he was pissed because of my past!"

"Um sorry to interrupt but we need this room for a patient. You can leave but we recommend staying over night just in case. We have another room for you. " A nurse said.

I grabbed my stuff and hobbled to Seth. "I'm leaving, you're driving. Let's go."

As we walked out the door I seen a man on a bed about to get wheeled into my old room. He had blood all over his face and a nurse was wiping it. As she moved I seen it was Joesph. It looked like someone attacked him bad. I took a deep breath and pulled Seth to the elevator.

"you okay? Looks like ya seen a ghost." Seth said.

I wipe my cheek where Jon had held it, there was blood.

"Oh my god." I said softly.


I pulled Seth out of the elevator then out the front door.

"Take me to Jon! Hurry!" I said.

We found his car and took off to the hotel he was in.

As I got to the room he was staying in I knocked and nobody came to the door. So I knocked again.

As I went to knock again Jon answered.

I slung my arms around his neck.

"Thank you! And I'm sorry I called you Dean you were just being a ass."

He pushed me off him.

"Yeah, you're welcome. But I'm trying to sleep.."

"Okay.. Can I come in?"

"Not tonight Bianca.."

"But YOU brought me here!"

"Go room with Seth or something." He said shutting the door.

I was not going to let him win that easy.

I started kicking the door. He swung it open furious.

"What?!" He yelled.

I pushed past him and said,

"You're going to listen to me! I apologized! Just fucking except it! I made a mistake but you could have not been a ass about the whole Alli thing!"

"You could have told me sooner." He whispered.

I got closer to him, "I know, and I should have. I was just scared babe."

I picked up his hand and started fiddling with his fingers.

"I saw what you did to him. How'd you know?"

"He bummed a cigarette off me and told me about a girl he was with and then when you told me about him I put two and two together and figured out he's the fucking prick! I'm glad I got him before he got you.."

"Thank you." I whispered as I let a tear escape my eye.

"No problem princess." He kissed my head.

I wrapped my arms around his torso. "Please don't make me sleep with Seth.."

"Of course not.. There's always my couch."

I smacked him playfully on the chest, "yeah right!"

Jon back up a bit.

"What?" I asked.

"Bee, you know I really do love you right?"


"I really do Bee, you're my everything. I've never been serious about a girl until I met you. I use to sleep with sluts I met at the bar an I never felt bad about it. But when you came along there was something about you that made me change. I fell for you so fast Bee. I'm literally loosing my mind. Is this normal? Should I feel this way? I'm just so confused.."

I gulped, "confused about what?"

"Everything I just told you is 100 percent completely honest..."

I moved closer to Jon, "baby I know, I believe you. What so confusing about that?"

Jon backed up even farther.

"I feel like everything's happening way to fast. I barley know you yenno."

"I told you everything." I whispered.

"But you waited. What if something would have happened and you needed your medicine? I wouldn't have known. Bee, you could have died."

"I know and I regret that! I felt like if I told you about Joe it would fuck everything up an you wouldn't want me."

"Bee I will always want you, no matter what."

"Then why are you doing this?"

By this point tears were streaming down my face.

"I don't mean to hurt you. You just need to know that i-I have no fucking clue what I'm doing! When I was little I watched the cops take my dad and the drugs take my mother. I never knew what love was.. Until I met you! I lost everything I thought mattered. I feel like going to loose you."

I got close to Jon and wrapped my arms around his neck placing my forehead on his.

"You're not going to loose my that easily.. Johnny boy."

I saw Jon smile through the tears.

"Now, why don't you let me sleep in the bed and we can just finish this in the morning?"

"You're perfect. You know that?"

"Baby I'm no where near perfect.."

"Neither am I.."

"That's why makes us perfect for each other."

I said pulling his lips to mine

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