Chapter 39

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Jon and I sat in silence with each other's company. Currently we were still setting against the brick wall, me setting on his left side with my head leaning on his shoulder. He had one arm wrapped around my waist. His presents made me feel so much better. I felt as is even though I didn't remember everything about my past, he made it better. I didn't worry about how I use to be. I didn't want to know how I use to be. I just want to be who I am when I'm with him. Honestly that's the best me I think I will ever be.

"Do you think everything happens for a reason?" He asked breaking the silence.

"Like destiny?" I asked.

"Not necessarily. Like do you think the whole coma and Jason thing happened for a reason?"

"No, I think it happen because Jason is a asshole. Either way, I was going to come back to you. You know when I first woke up I asked for you?"

"What? For real?"

"Yeah, but Jason told me it was just because I forgot. He said that I meant to says Jason it just came out wrong."

"Can I kill him?"

I laughed at him making the remark.

"I'm serious."

"No, you don't need to go to jail," I said snuggling up closer to him, "I need you, the baby needs you."

He looked down at me with his piercing blue eyes. I knew how beautiful they were but right now they had a sparkle to them I had never saw before. I was dazed by them. We held each other's gaze until the door opened and a man walked out.

"So I'm guessing you're getting your own room?" He asked Jon laughing.

"Yeah, I need to be with her." He said squeezing me a little.

The man looked very familiars she stood in front of us. I wanted to say something but maybe I didn't actually know him. Maybe I just thought I did.

"What? No love for the bestie?" He asked and right then I knew who he was.

I stood up and said, "How in the hell could I forget my Colby?"

We shared a short friendly hug and then Jon stood up.

"So, is everything okay?" Colby asked.

"What do you mean?" Jon asked him looking confused.

"You know, is Jason going to file charges? I heard him rambling about it as the cops escorted him out."

I know exactly what he was talking about but Jon was clueless.

I turned to Jon and said, "I forgot to tell you babe, I kinda beat the hell out of Jason."

"That my friend is an understatement. He got hauled off in an Abulance." Colby said"give us a minute?" Jon asked.

Colby walked away and Jon looked at me like a father would look at a daughter when she did something wrong. I took his green shirt and touched it lightly as I said,

"Have I ever told you you look amazing in green?"

"Why'd you go after him?"

"Pic was so pissed off and you know when I get pissed I don't think, I attack. I thought you didn't want to be with me anymore and then that fucking dick, it was too much. I had to punch someone."

"Woah, woah, woah! What do you mean didn't think I wanted to be with you? Are you crazy."

"Well you stroked off so I didn't know what else to think."

I hung my head down low but Jon picked my chin up mad placed a soft kiss on my nose.

"Let's not think about it right now, I love you and you love me, that's all we need. Each other. Let's get you back to the hotel."

I smirked at him and he looked at me confused.

"What? You have that look like you want something." He laughed.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought my body to his, "Baby, I haven't seen you in like two months. I think you know what I want."

Jon chuckled and licked his lips. I saw the mischievous smile appear on his lips as he picked me up and carried me to the car, wasting no time to the hotel.




A/N: Really short chapter but it's a filler, they normally are short!:p

Big plans for the next few chapters!

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