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Hearing Sansa insults hurt a lot, but I have to pretend, what could I do?, is what kept me alive for seventeen years, I went to the library, I wanted to investigate why my father-uncle died, I asked maester Ludwig a book Sansa mention father had before everything went to hell, the book of noble houses, I opened In the Baratheon house and read it:

Lord Otys Baratheon, black of hair, Axel Baratheon black of hair, Lyonnel Baratheon black of hair, Steffon Baratheon black of hair, Robert Baratheon black of hair, Joffrey Baratheon golden head,

So that is why, I said to myself, remembering Gendry, you find out of the incest and they murder you because of that.

Jon?, I heard Sansa said, what are you reading?.

Noble houses, I said, I wanted to look into house Baratheon.

We don't know no king but the king in the north whos name is Stark, Sansa said then. My heart stopped for a second, I then turn around.

Joffrey is a bastard, that is what got father killed, I said to her. She smiled and run towards me and hug me.

I am sorry, Sansa said, I have to pretend, I was the old Sansa, until I saw you looking into that cursed book.

Do think anyone else remembers?, I asked Sansa,

I don't know, Sansa said, if we are lucky, there are many more, if not, the two of us can save our family.

Yes, we can, winter is coming and the dead come with it, I said, until we know more, is better we if pretend.

Yes, Sansa said, I am sorry, if I insult you or mistreat you.

Don't worry, I said, we promised something very important to to each other, back in castle black, is time we fulfilled those words.

We should have never left Winterfell, Sansa said then.

And we promise to screamed to ourselves, don't go you idiot, I said.

Yes, we did, Sansa said, time to play the game of thrones.

Jaime POV

I have to confess a crime, I said to Robert, it was late at night.

What crime?, Robert asked, walking your king so late at night, speak up!.

I have commit incest, I said. Jon Arryn looked at me with proud eyes. Cersei looked at me with eyes of betrayal and anger. Robert was even angrier.

I request to be send to the Wall for my crimes with my children, I said.

JON!, said Robert, please tell me he is drunk!.

No, said Jon Arryn, boy, come here. Gendry Waters entered. This is your son, bastard son, but he looks like you, while your suppose children, look pure Lannister.

Jaime Lannister, you have two hours to leave kings lading and go to the Wall with those abobinations, Myrcella will be send to the septas and you Cercei your going with her, also, I declare your three bastards Hill, now get out off my sight!!!!!1, Robert screamed. As soon as I got out, Cercei came running to me and slap me.

How dare you!, said Cercei, you traidor!, why?, why, Jaime?.

Joffrey is a monster, I said, that is why, I can't let another Aerys on  that cursed throne.

Joffrey isn't Aerys!, said Cercie.

He is cruel, sadistic and a spolied brat, I said, so yes, he is just like Aerys,  if  you excuse me, I need to pick up my children and get out of here.

Jon Arryn POV

Don't send word of this, I said to Robert, only to Tywin Lannister, make Gendry a Baratheon, he is a good kid.

Done, said Robert, your my heir, I want no rumor, do I make myself ckear, Varys?. A guard come in then.

Your grace, Jaime Lannister has left the city with Myrcella and Tommen, Joffrey is in rage, demanding why Jaime Lannister told him he was his father and making a scene on the throne room, saying no one can touch him as he is a prince.

Gendry, said Robert, go, teach him a lesson, show him how a Baratheon should look.

Go, boy, I said. I started to feel dizzy.

Gendry POV

After giving some fine clothes, I went to the throne room, where Joffrey was behaving like a spolied brat. Enough, I said, what do you think your doing?.

Who are you?, asked Joffrey, you can't speak to me like that!.

Yes, I can, I said, I am Gendry Baratheon, son of Robert Baratheon, his true son, not like you, Joffrey Hill.

What did you call, me?, Joffrey said, I am the crown prince!.

Your not, I said, your a bastard born of incest, with that said, he tried to punch me, but I dodge his attack, when he turn around, I punch him in the face, breaking his nose.  Ser Barristan, take him to the black cells.

Right away, my prince, he answered, he grabbed thw unconsious former prince.

My prince!, said a guard. How I am supposed to get used to call that?.

Yes, I said, what's wrong?.

Jon Arryn is dead, he answered, the king decided to go north and tell his Eddard Stark what happened here and asked to give you extra protection, the former queen is missing, as her daughter left with her real father.

Shit, I said. Cercei Lannister disappeared?, that is not good at all.

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