When winter arrives, we need to be prepared

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Theon POV

When Sansa, told me of the meeting, I said I wanted to retired, and I went to the tower, Sansa come afterwards, after hearing his father said she is to marry Domeric Bolton, just like we planned, I enter the tower, Jon was there with Arya and Gendry, so what now?, I asked.

Winter is coming, Jon said, and the dead will come with it, we need to go beyond the Wall and capture a wight, show it to our fathers and prepare ourselves for the battle for the dawn, the gods gave us one more chance, lets get ready.

You are planning to go beyond the Wall again?, said Gendry, are you nuts?, remember what happned last time?, not to mention we dont have dragons!!!.

Gendry!, said Arya, are you stupid?, your father is here!.

He is drunk, Gendry said/

Maybe, Jon said, but not all the guards!, we need to go, is the only way of showing the true enemy.

We have already a problem!, Gendry said.

What do you mean?, I asked.

Cercei is missiing, Gendry said.

Perfect, Sansa said, just what we need, with the betrayal of her brother, she must gone mad already, how long until he kills Robert.

Both her bastards are at the Wall, Jon said, I doubt Joffrey survives, with his head on been the perfect prince, Thorne will break him in body and mind, hope Jaime takes care of Tommen, he is innocent.

Theon, said Jon, I have the perfect bride for you.

Yeah, who?, I asked.

Alys Kartsark, Jon said, she is great with a sword and we need you on that salt throne if your father declares himself king,

My father is Ned Stark, Theon said, if Balon Grejoy declares himself king again, I will kneel to Gendry Baratheon.

I really don't want to be king, said Gendry, as he looked at Jon.

What?, Jon said, ohh no, no way, I don't want it.

Why not?, asked Sansa, you united all kingdoms against the true enemy, Arianne Martell follow you, Willas Tyrell follow you!, Jaime and Tyrion Lannister follow you, until the end, you may have been raised a bastard, but you were born to be a king. In that moment the door opens and my uncle enters.

Ohh great, I said, we are in trouble.

All of you to my solar, now, Ned Stark said, not in anger, but still firm.

Eddard POV

How could they know about Jon?, I said to myself, I never spoke of it with anyone!, how could he know?, time to interrogate them, as we enter my solar, Catelyn was there, as I asked her to be.

Ned, said Catelyn, what's wrong?, and why is he here?.

I asked him here, said Ned, is time you know the truth. As we took a sit, Jon spoke.

I know who my parents are, I know what they did. Jon said, we have change the future, well, Jaime Lannister did it, when he told the truth of the incest.

What?, Catelyn said, you mean you knew?.

We remember a very different feast, said Sansa, one where Joffrey Hill was there, one were I was a stupid naïve little girl.

One where that little monster ordered for your head when you found out the truth, said Arya.

One in which Robb and lady Stark were killed at the red wedding, said Theon, and I choose the wrong family.

Wait, we were killed?, I asked, as in the future?.

Yeah, Jon said, in eight years, the only Starks left are Sansa, Arya, Bran and me.

What?, said Catelyn, what happened to Rickon?.

He was killed in front of me, Jon said, an arrow to the heart, launch by Ramsay Snow, I failed to rescue him and the wolf blood just came out of me.

What did you do?, I asked.

First you need to know that the Boltons, the Kartstarks and Umbers turn on us, Sansa said.

The Boltons, they killed Robb and you mother or at least were involved in the red wedding, said Arya.

The Kartstakrs betray us becasue Robb cut their lord's head, Jon said.

And the Umbers, well, lets just said, they didn't agree with some things Jon did, Sansa said, but Rickon's blood is on their hands as well, as they delivered him to them.

I charge against their army, Jon said, I was blinded with vengeance and with only one thought, cut the head of every Bolton soldier.

I betray Jon, Sansa said, I call the person who sold me to the Boltons, Peter Baelish.

Peter?, said Catelyn, no, he couldn't have done such a thing.

Lady Stark, Jon said, Peter Baelish is cold sociopath, who craves for power, he is one of the people who conspired in the dead of my father, Ned Stark, not to mention his is a sickly bastard.

What makes you say that?, asked Catelyn.

Well, he kissed me, said Sansa, not to mention he wanted me in his bed, Sansa said, thinking I was you.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2017 ⏰

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