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Eddard POV

Something wasn't right, I could feel it, after beheading that deserter, we found six direwolf pups, and while I was cleaning Ice, I receive a letter from Robert, saying Jon Arryn died, what's going on?, what happened?, and that Robert was coming to talk to me about something, of course I knew what it was, he wanted to asked me to became his hand. Now I was announcing that the king was coming with his family, that means, Cercie Lannister as well, I have gather you here to tell you that the king is coming, I said, so I want all of you ti behave, I notice Jon and Sansa exchange looks, like they knew something.

Jon, Sansa, I said, is something wrong?.

No, they answered.

Ned!, said Catelyn. Here we go. Tell your bastard to get away from our daugther.

Why do you have to be so cruel to him?, asked Sansa, bastard or not, he doesn't act like that Ramsay Snow!.

What does supposed to mean?, asked Catelyn.

I heard rumors, Sansa said, of his his favorite sport.

And what is his favourite sport?, I asked worried.

To hunt girls, Sansa said.

What?, I asked with anger.

He hunts them and then feeds them to his dogs, Sansa said, I got scared hearing the rumors, so I didn't see who was talking, so please mother stop threatimg Jon so horrible.

No, Catelyn said, he is a bastard and th shame of your father,

Mother enough!, said Robb, Sansa is right, you have to stop, Jon is my brother, he will never take my right to Winterfell, he is a good friend and my brother.

Father said, Sansa, I am really worried for Domeric Bolton, you should bring him here, for his protection, asked lord Bolton if he can be fostered here.

Ok, I said, I will send a message to lord Bolton.

Ned, said Catelyn, isn't that dangerous?.

If Sansa tells the truth, then Ramsay Snow could kill his brother, Ludwig send a mesagge to Roose Bolton now and tell him I want to foster his son Domeric.

Of course my lord, said Ludwig.

Now, I said, get ready, the king is coming in one month, be prepared.

Sansa POV

You don't have that feeling that something is right?;  I asked, but in a good way?.

Maybe, I said, saving Domeric from being poisoned is good thing, he always was a good person.

What better than been my husand?, I asked.

Wait, what?, Jon said, are you serious?.

Yeah, I said, he is not that monster of Ramsay, so there is sometime before he wants to meet his demonic brother.

Your right, Jon asked, who should I marry?.

Margary Tyrell, I said, perfect to be your queen. In that moment the door opened, it was Arya.

I knew it!, she said, you remember!.

What?, I and Jon said, but then we realized, we grabbed her and pull her in and close the door.

You remember!, said Jon, Arya and Jon then hug.

Yeah, Arya said, I thought I was going crazy.

You thought you were going crazy, Snow?, said Theon, who also open the door, by the way, thanks for not killing me.

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