♛Chapter 1♕

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Chapter 1: Heïlm Lê Quencé

Herrusia is the biggest among the five continents. It mostly compost of rich fertile lands-- valley, hills, plains, forest and jungle.

My Coronation Night is number one hot topic all over the world. Talking behind my back is common, it's inevitable. Since I'm always in the "who's to watch for" catalogue.

It's honestly annoying and frustrating at the same time! Because they put a lot of pressure on my shoulders, slowly making me shrink down. I'm in the verge of falling when I realized... I have no choice.. But to, well.. Accept.

"What's up Royalties?" a prominent entertainment which write articles about the current issues in the entire world of Quotas. They dab me "Heïlm Lê Quencé" changing my late title "La prinqessa"

Heïlm Lê Quencé means "Young Queen" who knows what is my real age when I took the throne? Gees! I'm just 17! it's not publicized though, what they only know is I'm young.

I glanced at the thick scrolls which filed in the left side of my desk. It's getting bigger every single day. Most of its content is basically for improvement of the continent. Gosh, being a Queen is really pain in the ass.

When I ain't still taking the throne, only my father, the king rather alone ruling over the country. He exerted efforts for reading all the scrolls stuck on his desk, studying books from cover to cover, memorizing dilemmas and laws,  negotiating from different countries, evaluating every boundary of the continent, managing each territories and many more hardly taking all his attention and time from me. Comparing myself to my father, I'm no prodigy like him.

I shook my head. Kellandra, stop! This not make you any good.

After I signed the last scroll. I stood and pushed back the chair. I yawned.. That bores a lot of me. Remembering I must go in the library for my second agenda, reluctantly my body misses my bed.

Since being a Queen took all the privileged from me to be happy go lucky classy sassy,  Again, I am left with no option.

I lazily blew some hair strands that restrain me from getting a nice view then stomped my feet all the way to the palace enormous library. Frankly, library is the least place I wished to go for.

I was greeted with different type of books. From small to biggest, to thin to thickest. I walked in the area which labelled "Ancient Quotasian" since I'm going to study the Ancient Language. If reading and signing scroll is undeniably boring, well, studying and memorizing ancient language is uncontrollably frustrating.

Oh, the hell life of a Queen.

I took the ladder as I grabbed the thick black old book in the upper right corner. Golden thread creatively embroidered in the edge and shimmering crystals are properly organized into two big Gothic styled letters "Q.L." short for Quotasian Language. Of course, I first study the basic which includes alphabet, nouns, pronouns, verb, conjunction, subject verb agreement and etc. I even found out my ancient name.. "Reignweña Yahssu" which means gifted fighter..

Yore, my personal surrogate appeared out of the blue almost giving me heart attack. I closed my eyes and sighed.. Controlling myself not to scold and say something pretty insulting sarcastic retorts against her.

This is her habit, disappearing when needed and appearing when unneeded most likely in inappropriate times.. Just like this. I'm quite getting fond studying here when she told me to stop since, my third agenda will start right away. Great!

She accompanied me to my next agenda, perhaps she's thinking I'll dump this aside. Seriously? Talking about trust issues.

My third agenda is learning how to knit. Tell me, is a Queen must really go through all this? This is far from my imagination! Ruling a continent has no connection with knitting. You know?

Yore opened the door for me. As we come inside, She gestured me to sit on the cozy rocking chair. Silk curtain with a touch of lime green is parted into two side, giving me a view on the outside. Oh, that rhymes haha.

Winter Season is its highest peak today, leaving everything frozen. Once in every 4 months the season of Herrusia will change. Good thing there's a fireplace beside me, so the temperature is not cold enough to freeze my butt here.

Loud knocks disturb my thoughts as I dream for hot chocolate while cuddling with Suzy, she's a legendary beast with gold twinkling eyes, carnelian soft fur, and cute little face.

Miss Milly é Brietta Reslevn, a terror one appeared. She has scarlet wavy hair that falls above her shoulder, sharp stormy eyes like hawk when finding a prey, long thin nose which resembled a knife blade, and red massive lips. She's infamous with expecting other people to meet her high... standards. She's absolutely perfectionist.

Oh, seeing her face wants me to dig my own grave. I shivered secretly.

"What a wonderful morning to meet you, Heïlm Lê Quencé," she greeted me with a hint of sarcasm. Yielding me to roll my eyes heavenward.

So she dislike me? Well, the feeling is mutual. Knowing that we share the same air within this room, suffocates me so much. I coughed.

"Same with me, Miss Milly" I said trying to imitate the way she spoke to me earlier and put my sweetest fake smile on my face.

"Let's not waste any seconds for nonsense, drop the talk and let's begin."

"Pardon, I have no idea with this sort of things." I honestly admitted. Since the needles keep on poking my fingers, and that really meet the maximum limit of my patience, Frankly, there's no other reason for me to love knitting. I even found more exciting going out on adventure, or hunting than this..

This purely for ehem ladies.

"Oh silly of me, I forgot you're just a mere young.. Young to be smart and matured" she said between her teeth that resembled a snake's hissing, and her eyes mirrored mischief.

"Thank you for reminding me but I already know that, try harder, say something better." I replied and I can't stop the smirk playing on my lips.

What a witty remark, that earns a loud gasp from her. So she's not expecting me to bite back? Haha her face is priceless.

Yore entered the room, fetching me. This is the very first time I love Yore for appearing from who knows where. We go out of the room, as we walked down the hall, she told me my father hopes to talk to me.

I feel my heart rapidly beats like a horse marching so fast, wishing to go out of my chest. Goodness! Why on Quotas want my father to talk to me?

I even forgot when is the last time. Even though we share the same place, we barely see each other.

Maybe he doesn't like the way I rule the continent? Or perhaps He found out I ditched a class? Or He already got the news I answered back Miss Milly?

One thing for sure, I'm.. Doomed.

Praying from gods and goddesses above to give me courage to face my father, I sighed for about 27 times and finally, entered the room to my displeasure.

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