♕Chapter 8♛

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Chapter 8: Scary... Yay!

Have an intense hatred for wickedness

The weather is hot and crispy but this can't stop us to continue our oh so called mission. I look around  everything is perfectly green. The sun is still on the sky, glaring directly on us. The wind gently carrying our hair. These are the benefits of nature -- fresh air, has natural power to calm your frazzled mind, and takes you away from your problem even for a moment.

The portal brought us on the top of the hill, which is higher than the hill of the Palace. I averted my gaze. Down the hill, I can see a small village. Where houses are made from woods, horses as mean of transportation, and children are happily playing with their family.

I felt a familiar ache on my left chest where my heart is located. I never been have a normal wonderful childhood. I shook my head. There's no time for self-pity.

"Does any of you has compass? We desperately need it since Colbert said the Mideasterña Tropical Rainforest is located in the upper east of Herrusia Native Tribe Residents. Right?" I inquired to them.

"Wait! I think I had one in the bag." Ellie announced then he put his head inside his bag when he's still not contented he scattered his things on the ground. Leading us that he really really really really has no compass.

I rolled my eyes then inhaled deeply then exhaled like all the agony is on my shoulder. I know, I have to be optimistic so that the result would be positive but I just can't help to over think everything.

As we walk down the hill, calming atmosphere embrace us. Seems like good vibes is in the air. I could tell that, Simplicity is definitely their lifestyle. Depending and contented on what the nature will gift them. As we totally reached the tiny village, small whispers never missed my ears.

"Is that the princess?"

"No! She's already the Quencé! Look at her closely. She's gorgeously beautiful with those silver ashed eyes!"

"I want to be her! What is the feeling being the superior of the Herussia? the Quencé rather! Oh Quotas! Wondering the life of being a royal makes me squirm to jealousy! I just can't help it!"

"Stop of your nonsense daydreams! Wake up! Is her physical appearance can save us from demon's power? Huh? Don't you know she's rumored, OUR very own Heïlm Quencé  a MAGICLESS?"

This earned loud gasps from the people near my anti even my oh so called "admirers" of course even the gossip is not legit many are insane to believed what more if the rumor is true? Right? I smiled bitterly. Looks like my heart is already 6 feet buried under the ground. The fact that my own people has no trust on me makes my heart shattered into pieces. Of course Kellandra! Only idiots has the craziness to defend you.. But Quotasians are no foolish, they are smart not to believe in you..

The villagers start to circle us throwing insults right on my face. I know Mister Dilbert already informed me about this but to witness how their eyes lit with rage and how their tongues capable to hurdle cruel words at me.. Are no exception to yield me to feel like being stabbed hundred times.

Does magicless has truly no capable to do anything?

I couldn't breathe normally as my heart kept on slamming against my rib cage. My vision is spinning in one huge blur until everything starts to darken. It wouldn't stop as my head was getting light. The darkness spun and fully took over the blurry colors, completely hiding me into den of dimness. I felt my body collapsed.

I drift out of consciousness. Faint voices are everywhere. I don't know how long I am out but, by the time I'm fully awake everything in my peripheral vision is white.

Oh Quotas, Did I die? Is this Heaven? I think deliriously for a moment.

Of course not, maybe I am in a room or something. Laying my back, staring the dull ceiling. I tried to glance around but I can't move at all. What on Herussia is happening? I'm starting to panic because of my lack of mobility. And where is Colbert? Ellie and Downer? Did my father already busted my unplanned business? Oh noooooo.

Breathe Kellandra. I force myself to calm because my panic will not do any good on this kinda situation I'm in. Closing my eyes. I feel something tight against my wrist and ankles. Did someone put nullilace on me? Haha. This makes me laugh! This is ridiculous! Nullilace is used to nullify magic. But I'm magicless? Such a foolish.

I opened my eyes and furiously blinked couple of times. I badly want to move but no luck, I'm tied too well. Oh well, after being insulted here I am being a captive. I rolled my eyes. Unfortunates showered below, why do I have to get it all?

"Oh, you're awake. Kellandra, right? The Lê Quencé who has NO magic. What a pity! How can magicless survive on this world? If I were you, I'll go home and dig my own grave." The man said appearing from who-knows-where.

He had eyes like a pit bull and shaggy green hair. His face was kind of misshapen and brutal looking. His voice is so deep that sent fear down to my spine.

"If I were you, I'll go home and cut my own tongue." I replied to his cocky welcome, making my chin up and my left eyebrow arc as high as I can. Come on, I never thought I still had courage left in me. What a brave we got here.

His eyes became fury instantly and hurriedly grabbed my jaw into a tight grip. I tried my best to break free but it gets tighten every time I flinched from his touch.

From shaggy green haired man. He turned into a blood thirsting demon with cold emotionless red eyes. He licked his lips and looked at me as if I am his prey and he is my predator. He aggressively pierced his sharp nails on my neck. I yelped as blood silently came out.

I wanted to kick myself what's happening on my demon's radar? Why I didn't feel his aura? Is this because of nullilace? Ugh.

Since I'm helpless like a rat caught into a trap. I just give him my poisonous glare. I'm wishing if I could only have eyes that emit laser maybe he is already a roasted bull.

"Tongue like yours is goodly cut off! Why not end your life right now? Yeah, what a brilliant idea! With just a pinch I can kill you right now. Remember what I said earlier? You can't survive on this world and that is a fact. Better thank me later after you died on my hands, because I'm saving you from further pain." He said, and I closed my eyes everytime his saliva showered on my face. And it really annoy me because I can't wipe it on my face. I rolled my eyes. The demon gloatingly boost his ego. One pinch? Kellandra die? Psh.

I sighed and maybe this is the final chapter of my life. Being killed helplessly with the hands of a ugly demon. How ironic. I want to prove myself with my own people that I can save them from demons but here I am can't even put a finger on the enemy infront of me. The question is finally answered, magicless is mercilessly incapable to live on their own.

Maybe he's right. They are all right. I can't survive on this wicked world and I'm truly not deserve to be their Queen. Because yeah, going back to the main idea, I'm merely a magicless.

But the moment he attacked me powerful light encircled me, as if protecting me from his sudden assault. The demon thrown on the far corner of the room, red eyes bulging out and intestines scattered on the floor.

My stomach churned and I felt my jaw dropped.

What on Quotas is happening? I wanted to scream but no voice came out. Everything is starting to fade. I weakly try to stop but soon lose consciousness.. again.

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