♛Chapter 2♕

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Chapter 2: Father's talk

Having sua and della, von and del, to someone's name is highly honored.


I gently pulled the door knob and entered quietly. I looked around, nothing's change except from the wall color. Before it was painted with gold, dirty white, and navy blue but now, it was all tiled with high standard purplish glass. Obviously, everything shouts fancy.

I face the king's back since he's having a momentum sightseeing on the extravagant window. He's looking on the landscapers busy fixing the entire garden.

How come he's not aware of my presence until now? I'm standing here for about ten minutes. Gosh, was Yore tricked me?

Before I could clear my throat, he turned around and face me. I saw how his face change from astonishment to stoicism. Is my father has some sort of bipolar problem? How could he manage that? Changing emotion in shortest period of time? Incredible.

I feel conscious when the king's gaze is directly pierced at me. When I can't help to twitch my face with confusion, he finally stop from his own staring contest.

I exhaled. I was not aware, I was holding my breathe that time. My father really has this intimidating harsh aura around him.

"Sit down" his baritone commanding voice caught me off guard, nearly making me stumble from imaginary stone.

Kellandra, stop fussing around! I mentally scolded myself.

I walked on the nearby silicon chair across. While he's busy trying to find something, I spent that luxury to close my eyes and breathe deeply, doing all my might to calm these erratic heartbeats of mine.

Every time, I talk to my father always feel like the first time. Never know how to react, never know what to say..

He clapped his hands loudly, waking me out of my sentimentality. I shook my head from embarrassment then bow, giving his cue to start.

''Gertrudis O'Brien, Faredinythelia Magia Ackademña's headmaster. We had an agreement. You'll study there. You'll leave tomorrow night."

Before I could open my mouth to protest, He showed me a key then point the door ahead on me.

I clenched my teeth. Quotas, my father is such a jerk!

I'm hesitant to grab the keys. I'll or I'll not. I'll or I'll not. I'll or I'll not. Before I could make a decision which I'll be confident not to regret later on, my father rudely grasped my right hand, opened it, and closed with the key inside.

He's very persistent making me hard to fight back, I sighed. Talk about fighting a freedom.

I clenched the key inside my hand tightly, mending all my frustrations to it. Since I have no reason to stay any longer, I stomped my feet all the way throughout the door.

Good thing, my fourth agenda will begin after lunch. Delicious, enormous, satisfied craving buffet flashed on my head. My anacondas instantly growled. Though I'm starving, I have no appetite to eat at all.

Instead, I decided to go to my room. Feels like talking to my father drained much of my energy. As I reached my bedroom, I hurriedly run then throw myself on the bed but my head suddenly hit something. Groaning, I glanced at my back and saw a beautiful box.

It was topped with various semi precious stones. I want to open but the question is, how?

Suddenly I feel something moving under my pillow, I grabbed the feathered fluffy pillow and throw on the side of my bed, there, i saw the key glowing.

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