✥things you do together✥ characters

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         -bike riding around derry

        - drawing in the park together

        - attempting cool tricks on your bikes (usually failing and laughing)                       


              - telling each other corny jokes 

              - going to the movies and watching hilarious comedies

              - having completely random conversations on his roof                                     


             - going to the drugstore and spending your allowances on candy

              - him sneaking out at night and walking around town with you

              -  being adorable af                                                                                                                                                                                       


             - hanging out in the library together

              - binge reading books about the history of derry                                                                                                                

           - listening to new kids on the block and dancing around because it's fire 


                - bird watching (obviously)

                 - listening to the radio and singing off-key because why not

                 - laying in your backyard and looking at the stars and having deep conversations


                -practicing piano songs together 

                 - doing each others makeup blindfolded and then dying of laughter at the results

                 - eating ice cream at your favorite ice cream parlor and talking about life


           - walking around derry and taking photos of the town

            - having random mini photo shoots

            - walking around the park and looking at all of the cute doggos 

this is just as friends so i'll make another one later where it's as a couple :)

it preferences & imagines.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt