✥they ask you out✥ cast

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- you two went out to dinner together

-nothing too fancy, just a causal dinner at in and out as friends

- the question was on his mind the whole time

-afterwards, he walked you to the front door

- "um, y/n?"

- "yeah jae?"

-"i-i wanted to tell you for a long time but...i-i like you, a lot"

-"i-i like you too jae"

-"y-you do?"

-you kiss his cheek, making him blush like crazy

-"of course i do"

-"do you wanna like, go out sometime?"

-"i would love to"

-as you two parted ways, you both did little victory dances


-since you two lived far away from each other, your mom surprised you with tickets to visit him while he was filming in california 

-you were super excited the whole plane ride

-he planned to ask you out when he picked you up from the airport

-nick had to give him a pep talk before he went in

-you ran out and gave him a huge hug

-he picked you up and twirled you as you hugged (a/n: SO CUTEEEEE)

-he held a bouquet of roses

-"y/n y/l/n, i have had the hugest crush on you since the day i started talking to you and i-i was wondering if you'd like to go out with me sometime..."

-"of course, i'd love to finnie"

-huge smiles and blushing

-held hands as you walked out of the airport together


-you were having a bad day so he decided to come over and cheer you up

-arrived at your window with bags full of candy 

-just sat on your roof and binge ate candy and talked

-thought you looked beautiful in the moonlight 

-"h-hey, y/n?"


-"you are the most beautiful girl i ever met and i hate seeing you upset and i like you so much and i get it if you don't like me back and all but-"

- cut him off by kissing his cheek

-"i like you too jack"

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