✥first kiss✥ cast

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-during the it premiere

-he invited you to be his date awwww

-you were standing aside while he took pictures on the red carpet

-grabbed your hand and walked you over to the carpet to take pictures

-"noooo this is your moment jae"

-"and i want to share it with you y/n"

-thought you looked like a goddess 

-while you were posing, he leaned in and softly kissed you

-yo the paparazzi was shooketh


-after one of his band's first concerts

-you went all out with a sign and everything

-he played your favorite song

-you met him backstage and he wrapped you in a hug

-"i'm so proud of you!! you did amazing finnie"

-smashed his lips into yours and kissed you softly



-on new years eve

-you were hanging out at his house

-binge eating tons of candy

-waiting by the tv for the ball to drop

-"five, four, three, two, ONE!"

-he smashed his lips into yours

-"i can't wait to spend this year with you y/n"

-what a cutie


-you two were at the beach together

-making sandcastles

-running around playing tag bc why not

-you tripped and accidentally fell on top of him

-dYinG of laughter

-he kissed you softly then quickly tagged you and ran away



-you two were walking home from getting coffee together

-you said your goodbyes and kissed her on the cheek and began to walk inside

-she grabbed your hand and pulled you back

-"you missed"

-kissed you softly

-tons of smiling and blushing


-you two went ice skating together

-ice skating is difficult

-you almost slipped but he caught you yayyyy

-dying of laughter

-"your laugh is adorable y/n"

-kissed you softly awwwww


-you two went to see a firework show together

-laying in the grass and watching the show

-"wow, the fireworks are so pretty"

-"not as pretty as you y/n"

-smooth boi

-leaned over and kissed you softly

-what a cutie ahhhh


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