✥first date✥ cast

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-invited you to the boardwalk

-ate a ton of sugar

-took candid pictures of you bc he thought you looked like an angel

-playing games at the arcade and betting who will win

-rode the ferris wheel together

-tried to be sly and put his arm around you

-heart raced when you put your head on his shoulder


-surprised you with tickets to y/f/b

-wore matching shirts awww

-sang along loudly 

-fangirling together 

-slow dancing when a slow song came on

-thought you looked stunning


-went to the beach together

-chased each other in the waves

-picked you up and carried you around (a/n: aWwWwW)

-built sandcastles

-held hands and watched the sun set

-kept glancing over at you because he thought you looked beautiful


-went to disneyland together

-rode a ton of rides

-fangirled when you met chewbacca 

-got matching mouse ear hats

-candids candids candids

-called you princess y/n the whole time

-held you as you walked the fireworks (a/n: aWwWwW)


-went to see a drive-in movie

-definitely took artsy pictures

-glanced over at you often and blushed

-helds hands during the movie

-what cuties awww


-hung out at his house and decided to call it a date

-laid on his roof and stargazed 

-hand holding

-talked about life

-thought you looked beautiful under the moonlight


-went ice skating together

-held hands to make sure neither of you fell on your faces

-practically clinging onto each other

-tons of blushing

-eventually gave up and went to get hot chocolate

-blushed every time he looked at you

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