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Hi Im Neon weird name , I know but thats my name!

I am a major stalker ....... i was lonely and bored I have no interests before but one thing I know... I fell in love with someone that probably does NOT like me back

I stalk my one and only crush , Lucas
He and I  are classmate!

I became his seat mate how? You ask well its because of pure luck!

I fell for him because he's perfect

He knows a variety of sports , He's on top of the class ,He's the representative of our school and the president ... He also knows how to play another variety of music   .... and how he played my heart

"Hey Lucas i made you lunch!"

"How many times do I tell you I have no need for your lunch" he said politely ..well for me

"Ummm I dont bother to count them "

That was when I made him lunch recently and I still didn't stop because it does NOT hurt to try right?

"Hey Lucas I have done your research and things related to council!"

"Airhead , i dont need this . This is just a waste of time Neon"

"Eek you said my name!"

"Didnt you hear what i just said? *sighs * go out!"

"Dont be cruel but fine i'll go out for you!"

That was my attempt of helping him it was my 69 time! And I wont stop!

"Hi Lucas ! Do you need help cleaning !"

"No and we have assigned cleaners so dont bother to clean when its not your turn...out!"


That was my attempt doing things for him

One time I cleaned their office and tossed out umm important documents?!

He got so mad at me

"Hey Lucas ! You look like you need someone you look lonely!"

"I definitely dont need you"


I fainted when i got home.......

I was diagnosed with some knew deadly disease but I never gave up on Lucas

"Hey Lucas! " i said kind of tired

"Go out and never bother me any more  "

"Why?...didn't i do any good?"

"You did NOT do anything beneficial for me stupid idiot your nothing but a hindrance . How can a person this freaking annoying even exist in this world! If you would.,,, Go die or leave me alone!"

I went away that was when Reality hit me hard he will never ever love me like I love him


The next morning I expect Neon to come barging in my office and prepared my excuse ...somehow Neon and I became kind of close?

Any second now........I waited but nothing happened ......where is she?!

Why am i waiting for her

Somehow I feel empty but why?

Did she leave me?!

Why am I panicking !!

I came to my classroom but she isn't there maybe she was late

But she never came to class.... but the teacher give something to me... a phone?

I went to the rooftop after school bring out the phone and a video was there?

I played the video and I saw the person I was looking for....Neon!

It said

Hi im neon , As you know already know im sorry .....sorry for being a hindrance sorry for everything..... a lot of things just happened you may not watch this but....Thankyou for everything for being an inspiration ..... I you

Im dying and you finally got what you wanted . Im leaving you alone like what you wanted .....good bye..... my only one hehehe.....

I was dumber that i think I am ... how can I let someone important go away

How can i let her just fade?

How am I so blind... she is right in front of me but i never noticed how I fell for her...

Its hard to say I love you but every single day before she leaves she never failed to say I love you

Im stupid to let her go

She left me already

She is so unfair ... if she could only stay even a little bit i might realize my feelings sooner .... she lasted a long time but why go now? She is so unfair she could have stayed three months more to see me see us graduate

She was always there but why is she not here by my side annoying me

Why ? We could have been a thing ! We could have the ending with happily ever after ! We could have future kids ....we could have been more .....than just .... this

You are so unfair Neon ! Why did you leave so early?!

Then something with angel like wing appeared


"Hello Lucas! How are you! I hope you live Happily! You got what you wanted right?"

"Im sorry! Please go back!"

"Im sorry Lucas I can not"

"Goodnight Lucas!"

I dont know how but i fell asleep in an instance!

I woke up in the morning

Is Neon alive is that a dream that got me going but..... my hopes fell because of what I saw .... a pure white angels feather .....

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