Demon loves the Angel and Angel loves the Demon?! Part 2!

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Yes they may have lost their memory but what if they were meant to be? Lets find out !!!

Hannah woke up in her bed without knowing a thing at all and continued to help others in need

She never notice the worried looks from her fellow angels . Odd enough that she felt lonely

While in the nether/hell , Samuel woke up and fell because he was floating while sleeping

And being the way he is ... he went to the human world doing his usual thing but he became more soft

Besides that he felt alone..... usually he was used to it but what happened to him?

'What the heck/hell happened'
They both thought in the same time

Remember what I said on the previous chapter??? ........ where demons and angel has a human that they will have to guide to do either good or evil?

If you did then I love you , if you did not the read it again😅
(u don't really have 2)

Welllllll...... Hannah was being called by the head angel saying that she will guide a special person on Earth

While Samuel was also assigned to do that


They will be guiding MARIZ . She is a girl that can see them ! But acts like she does not

When Hannah and Samuel teleported they saw each other and felt nostalgic but why? Have they seen each other before ? Impossible.... NOT!

They brushed that feeling off.....

Samuel thought that she may have seen her when the angel and demon had war

And Hannah thought that maybe they were assigned to the same human back then , angels and demons are very old but to them they are young

With that aside..........

Hannah approached Mariz and got surprised!


I went to Mariz beside her ..., and and said 'hi' to me?! We usually are invisible to a human eye  , well thats what the head angel meant when he said 'SPECIAL'

"So.... you can see me?" She nodded
"Ok then , Im Hannah! " i said in a cheerful tone .... then she just said hi and it seems like it was just like this when she met her old guide

"So this is your old guides reaction right?" I stated .... and saw another reaction from her! She was surprised

She finally spoke up " yeah your smart aren't ya" ......"maybe" i said then smiled she returned the favor and smiled as well


'HEEEEHHH they seem to get along pretty well .... huh I cant let them be like that.... I mean tch .... Im not jealous .... haaaaahhh WHY am I acting this way!!!!!!'

"Oi! You say that your Mariz right?" I said

"Yes I am" she said ... thank goodness they stopped

"I am Samuel by the way.... the demon"
I said

"Well I want to be good " she said

"Not for long " i said

Her look is priceless while I smirked feeling victorious


Hannah looked at them feeling kind of jealous .... while Samuel felt nothing

Overtime they felt weird like this feeling has happened before

Then it hit them...... memories , memories from the past ..... all cane back... all at once

It was painful .... its obvious because they both are screaming and tearing up

Hannah collapsed but Samuel caught her just in time 

Carrying her crying his eyes out .... while saying this word

"How could I ever forget you.... sorry" he said while crying

Hannah was waking up crying slowly going to touch Samuel's cheeks

"Sam.... uel..... I love you !" Then smiled

They forgot that Mariz actually saw them ...........

"Heh at least they both got a happy ending" Mariz said smiling like an idiot

Mariz then disappeared ..... smiling

"Good luck to both of you"

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