Who to choose!?

26 3 5

James x Janea x Alvin

[A/N this is a short chap. By the way]


Alvin was a great friend to Janea while James is her  crush 

Jame and Janea talk to each other in messenger

While Alvin is openly expressing himself to Janea in school

So who is better for her?

Janea went to school .... of course James was waiting outside of their classroom and opened it for her

But..... when she went inside Alvin was there for her to talk with

So ....

1 point - Alvin

0 point - James

Later on recess , Alvin went to go buy food for Janea in secret

While James took this chance to approach Janea...

James give a matching necklace
James has a lock necklace while Janea has a key necklace

Alvin saw this happen and he felt weird .. like he is angry  or jealous

James smirked at Alvin

1 point- Alvin

1 point - James

On lunch

Janea seated on a table and she was alone then the two of them saw this and two of them were running as fast as they can to seat there

But it ended up as a tie...

James and Alvin has this Thunder like effects

Janea just smiled awkwardly....


What the heck!

Janea was worried about the two.Both of them look so determined and energized but their appearance says other wise

One day Janea asked bith of them to go to the roof where she will say .... something

Any ways I left it as a cliff hanger!

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Any ways I left it as a cliff hanger!

This will have multiple endings and such .....
School is so demanding so bye!

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