Red string of Fate

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Hello , let me tell you all my story .... I am Red Belladonna ..... I used to see black and white colors , I used to be the only girl without a red string

"I went to school everyday and everyone is making fun of me ..... they all have their soulmates with them or acquainted with them to the very least

I am actually a little popular . Lets say that I'm an internet model which I really am , even if I am popular  I still am lost without my soulmate , I mean what's fame compared to true love?

Here is another day of school , same old -same old ...... heh oops I forgot to tell you guys that there's another guy without the string

Its unfair ! He doesn't get tease ! *sighs* he is pretty hot if I do say so myself ..... so I went to him .........

Leo , his name ...

With a little "hi" everything change

No he's not 'The One' there is still no color ..... My life changed but it changed in a sort of bad way

How is that a bad way ? You ask ?

Easy ..... I thought he was the one ... I gave him attention , gave him love , my time , my lunch , my efforts , my everything .........

Slowly I am failing school ........ slowly I was losing hope .... and it feels like he isn't opening up to me ......

I was in bed thinking negative things
Until I heard a *ding* a message

I was curious ..... his name is Lion

Lion? Maybe its just a user name?

Everyday we chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat!

Until he stopped . He stopped ? He stopped! I was panicking .... I was planning to confess to him that day too

I waited a long time ...........

Until 2 days away from  graduation came .... I heard the thing I want to hear *ding* i went to my laptop and saw his message .... I was sad

He said something

"Red , I am leaving (insert your place) "

I said to my self that I will never love again

The final day of school came

The teacher said that we need to say or future plans

I said to post another picture and basically preparing for a job

Then its Leo's turn ...... to leave and go to ( insert you desired country that you want to go to)

That is when I thought is he Lion?

I mean leo -Lion .... makes sense right?

The end of tests

I got good results ... actually I aced all of it except for math but I like  math

I was chasing Leo

I talked to him and it seems like he is Lion

I confessed to him then it appeared THE RED STRING OF FATE  "

"Honey I'm hoomeee! "

"Wait what happened next mom?"

"Then we have you!"


How was that ? Sorry i didn't update for a LOOOONNGGG time! Bye

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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