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Here's the chapter 1! Hope you'll like it!

Warning: There are possibilities of wrong grammars here. No one's perfect. Sorry. (σ≧▽≦)σ


"He is so handsome and cute. And his recatangular smile is so charming. His perfect jawline, and when his face is in serious mode and when his mouth is half-opened are all so hot! Kyaaah!" Yerin said while fantasizing the man she's talking about.

"Unnie, you said that a million times you know?" said Eunbi with a cold face. Totally annoyed with Yerin fantasizing never ends.

Yerin is having snacks with his friends--Eunbi, Sojung, Yuna-- in a stall that selling tteokbokki and tteokkochi near their company's building.

"Ugh! Our instructor are getting so rude. They make us practice hard choreographies." Yuna whined.

"I know right. They don't even make us eat delicious foods like this." Sojung said and eat another tteokbokki. "But it's okay. I'm just doing this to debut."

"Yeah, me too." Eunbi said in a sad voice.

"Aish.. Don't be too down you know. Like what I always say, Victory!" Yerin shout the last word while raising her right fist.

Her friends can't help it but to embarrass with their friend shouting infront of many people. Now, many people look at them.

"Yah yah yah unnie don't do that again in a public places. Aish, so embarrassing." Eunbi said while covering her faces whit her left hand.

"Tsk. Why? There's nothing wrong with it." Yerin eat her food again acting like she didn't embarass herself. "Ah! What's time is it?"

Sojung look at her watch. "17:01. Why did you ask?"

"Ahh.." Yerin's eyes widened after realizing what Sojung said. "Omo! A-ah ah Eunbi-yah take this, I'm going home." Yerin said and then give her payment to the vendor.

"Yah unnie why are you in a hurry." Yuna ask in a confusing look.

"Yeah right. You're the one who bring us here because you said you're hungry." Eunbi said.

"Hehe sorry. I have to reach the bus." Yerin answered and start running.

"You can just ride the next bus!" Yerin didn't listen to what Sojung said.

Yerin reach the bus stop. She feel relief when she reach the bus she talking about and then she fall in line. She swipe her card and get her phone to get ready. She roam her eyes around the bus like she's expecting for someone. Yerin smile when she found the one she's looking for.

As expected. He's here.

She walk slowly while secretly taking pictures of the man she's expecting. The man she always talking about. For Yerin, he is the most good-looking man he ever seen.

The bus start to move and Yerin is still walking slowly, fantasizing the man and secretly taking pictures. The bus stop for a while that makes Yerin's phone fall because of the sudden move.The driver stop the bus because he see through the rear mirror that there is still standing.

"Miss can you please sit down." the bus driver said referring to Yerin.

"Yes! Sorry." Yerin answered back. She pick her phone.

When she is going to stand again the bus suddenly move again and make her walk faster to any free seats while bending. She out balance but thankfully she land on an empty seat but unfortunately, her head hit the seat.

"Ouch.. Aish that drive is really.." she whined. She sit properly and still whinning and blaming the driver for making her phone fall and for her head hitting the seat.

"Are you okay?" a masculine voice suddenly asked.

"Ah yes yes, I'm fine." Yerin answered back still rubbing her head.

"Are you sure?" the man asked again still not satisfied with Yerin's answered.

"Yes, I'm..." Yerin pause when she face the person who's concern about her."....fine."

She can't believe the person who's asking her. The man she just secretly took some pictures. She freeze for a while. The man suddenly smile because of Yerin's reaction.

Omo! He's showing her reactangular bright smile at me! Kyaaah!

"Ah okay." he said and then face again the window of the bus.

Yerin face palm after the man look away. She can't hide her blushing face. Yerin wants to jump right now and yell but she knows she don't want to embarrass herself again.

She look at her left side still her hands holding her red cheeks and hidding her feels. A little girl was looking at her with a poker face. Yerin wait for a few seconds if the little girl will look away.

Waaah! Kiyeopta!

Yerin loves kids. She wants to make the child laugh or smile because the little girl is still looking at her with a poker face look. Yerin start making funny faces without the little girl's mom-- at the side of the little girl-- notice. But suddenly the little girl cry.

Yerin don't know what to do. Before the little girl's mom face her, Yerin lean her head to her seat and look at the other way. But she become more pressured when the man beside her turn her head to look at the crying little girl. Before the man glance at Yerin, she pretend to sleep.

I don't want him to be turn off with me. He'll thinks I make that girl cry. Well, you just did Yerin. Pabbo.

Yerin open her eyes a little when she felt the person beside her stand.

"Here. I have a lollipop." the man said and show her signature smile. The little girl stop crying and now opening the lollipop.

Seems like he likes kids too.

"What's your name oppa?" the little girl asked.

"Just call me Tae oppa." he said and go back to his seat.

Tae? Is that really his name? Hmm maybe his nickname. Molla. Atleast, I know now what to call him.

Yerin pretending to be asleep becomes real.


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