Chapter 2 - The Raid

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*authors note*
// BOLD ITALIC // - speaking on mic
// NORMAL ITALIC // - normal text chat

[[3RD POV]]
Shi Eun spent the entire night playing Gilgamesh with her guild but most other time was just her saying her guild members name and telling then what to do while she backed them up or went in head on. It was around 3AM before their little skirmish, on one of the fields in the area, finished.

// Good night everyone. // Shi Eun yawns.
// Zephaellia, have you done your homework? // Enya asks as he too yawns.
// No. I'm going to do it later. //
// Zae, you're still in school? // Raye asks and frowns. // Must be tough. I mean, shit I haven't done mine either. //

Shi Eun tilts her head and frowned. She listened to Raye speaking but she couldn't put her brain to think who the voice belongs to.

// You know Raye, you sound like this person that attends my school. //
Raye laughs. // Do I now? //
// Yes you do. Any ways I should get going. //
// A minute Zae. // Zen, their guild leader, spoke for the first time ever since their skirmish ended. // Guys, I was thinking... //
// What is it leader? // Shi Eun leans over to her bed to get her books to look through for her homework.
// I was thinking we should like meet up in real life? //

The chat went into a frenzy as the guild members all praised their leader for the wonderful idea. Shi Eun smiles and bids her good byes before logging out of Gilgamesh. She still left her discord logged in so that she wouldn't miss any of the discussion on where they were going to meet up.

"A meet up in real life." Shi Eun squeals for a little bit before calming down.

// where are we going to meet up? // she types to them after solving a problem of her maths homework.
// Zae, are you doing your homework? // Raye replies to her. // i don't want you to get into trouble. //
// don't worry, I'm doing them as I talk to you guys. Zen, have you decided where? //

Zen hums as he taps his finger on his key boards as he thinks of a place for the meet up.

// i haven't decided yet but it should be sometime next Saturday. Is that okay with you all? //
// can we make like a secret word when we get there and meet each other so we know it's a Ghost Raven meet up? // Raye suggested as he smiles at his own good idea.
// thats good. We can just rock up and say it and if we respond to it then we know its each other. Good thinking Raye. As expected of our strategist. // Zen compliments. // i should find a good place for our meet up by this Friday. //

One by one, the guild members said their good byes and logged off discord. Shi Eun was the last one to leave before bidding Enya good byes. She focuses her attention back to her homework, focusing on just her homework. Tiredness hits her like a tsunami the moment she jumped on her bed to go to sleep.

"A meeting in real life." She repeats and closes her eyes, the she opened them again. "Why does Enya and Raye sound like... so familiar? I feel like they go to my school or am I just too tired?" She questions herself as she falls asleep.


Wednesday came faster she ever thought it would and she didn't like it. Shi Eun had totally forgot that she had an English test in her afternoon class and had to spend her entire time in the library. She ruffles her own hair and sighs. English was a weak subject for Shi Eun and she was struggling to understand the problem.

"Do you need help?"

Shi Eun looks up and sees Taehyung. She sheepishly smiles. "Are you good at English?"

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