Chapter 3 - Nerd VS Pro Gamer

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[[3RD POV]]
Saturday came and Shi Eun was excited to meet her guild members for the first time. Well, excluding Taehyung, Jaebum, Mark and Jackson as she already knows about them and vise versa. She was excited to meet the other members of BTS and see their reaction to her when they find out that she is the one who plays as Zephaellia.

Humming to a random tune as she finished showering and was in her room deciding what to wear. She knows that she couldn't go out normally like she did a year ago or she'll be flocked with annoying fans in which she was grateful to have due to her character but it was tiring. As she stands in her walk-in wardrobe, with only her under garments on, she stood there thinking what the best combination set of clothes would be best for her disguise.

She walked over to her section of shorts - she had many that came in many different colours and designs but it in the end she picked her leather black shorts that she bought on the Friday. Now she walks over to her section of tops which she had from long sleeves, short sleeves, oversized shirts, crop tops and tank tops all organized in colour coded. She tilted her head. Any colour can go with these leather black shorts but I want be comfortable in them. She sighs and went for the slightly oversized black and white stripped long sleeves. She knew it was going to be cold later tonight but right now its hot.

Next was her shoe collection but she already knew which shoes she was going to put on. Exiting her walk-in wardrobe and closing it, she pulled on her calf-high black socks and then puts on her black heeled boots that has silver chains attached to. After that she puts on light make-up and then ties her hair up in a messy bun before sliding the fake black glasses she wore the other time when Taehyung came over.

"All done." She smiles at herself in the mirror. "Now I just need to get my small black backpack, my wallet, phone... oh and cash. Can't leave without cash." She chuckles to herself and got everything she needed.

Her door bell echoes through her house when she got downstairs. She agreed to go together with Taehyung since he didn't know where the meeting place was because he wasn't familiar with the area of Gangnam. She opens the door and then went to the kitchen, leaving Taehyung to come inside himself and closing the door.

"Have you eaten, Tae?" Shi Eun came to like the nickname for Taehyung and Taehyung himself liked it as well.

"I haven't but aren't we eating lunch later with the rest of the guild members?"

"Eating now wouldn't hurt Tae." She chuckles. "Toasts?"


Shi Eun brings over the grilled ham, eggs and cheese toast over to Taehyung and sat down at the kitchen table. The two began eating the four toasts and finished it in no time.

"Shall we go now?" Taehyung looks at his watch. "It's almost time for the meet up. Is it far though?"

Shi Eun shakes her head. "It's not far from my house. It should only take us about 10 minutes." They both walked to the door before she turned around to grab her keys to lock it. "You look good by the way. And do the other members of BTS know that you're not going with them?"

"Thanks! You look good too, I must say." He happily beamed. "I left early but Jungkook did ask where I was going but I didn't answer him."

"So you ignored him and came straight here?" She chuckles lightly. "What a great friend."

"I am, aren't I?" He chuckles. "Although I guess theyre going to ask questions about me when we get there once they see us walking together."


The two of them walked side by side as the chatted about random things. Although it was meant to be a 10 minute walk, Shi Eun got distracted by street food and couldn't resist the smell of the hot cakes and fish cakes so she bought a few for herself and Taehyung.

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