Mi Querido

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(Juno's p.o.v)
I placed my laptop on the table as well as a few piles of books. "Morning..." he smiled, kissing my cheek. "Hey...." I answered. "Whatcha looking for...?" He asked, sitting next to me. "Trying to make the damn wedding arrangements or whatever..." I sighed. "It won't be that hard....besides....you should take a break..." Maxwell said. "I didn't even start." I smiled.
"Look at you! The tips are even purple!" He squealed. "Is it good?" I asked. "It's fu*king beautiful!" He said, hugging me tightly. I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm like you now! And myself as well!" I laughed. He kissed my cheeks rapidly. "You're so beautiful...." he said, running his fingers through my hair. "Where are the girls...?" I asked. "They're playing with-" he was cut off by a loud crash and crying. "Oh no...." I said.
I bandaged jays' arm from the cut and picked him up again. "Shh, shh....it's ok baby, mama's here...." I said, patting his back lightly. He continued to wail loudly from the cut. "Can you two explain what happened here?" Maxwell asked, crossing his arms. "We wanted to surprise you two then...this happened..?" Bianca said. "I'm just disappointed in you two...I should've expected better." I said. "We know that!" Zoe yelled. "I don't like your damn tone! Upstairs, now!" I yelled at her. "Life would be so much easier without that pest in our lives!" Zoe screamed. "Grounded!" I yelled at her. "Fine! It's your damn fault because you and dad had to have him!" Zoe added on, walking upstairs with Bianca. I placed jay in his playpen and asked "am I really that terrible of a dad...?" "No, no, no! You aren't!" He said, hugging me lightly. "Don't thought me!" I yelled at him, running upstairs.
Moment later, all I could here from their room is Maxwell yelling "You two better explain yourselves right now!"

Hanahaki DiseaseWhere stories live. Discover now