Brain vs Brawn pt1

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"If you had a chance to talk to your younger self....what would you say?" I suddenly asked at dinner.
Everyone stopped and looked at me.
"I was just wondering-"
"I'd say stop being scared of everything and do something. It's gonna take years but you'll be a soldier. And you'll be admired." Steve said with a small smile.
"Keep taking those defense lessons. Guys don't like it and pervs hate it more." Natasha chuckled.
"Keep believing." Peter said.
"Don't believe what people say about you. Because later on...they'll look up to you." Tony said, leaning back.
"Don't ever fucking work for the bad get nightmares for years about it..." Bucky murmured.

"What would you say?" I asked, looking at the blond.
"Let's see.....don't ever say people don't love you. Your father does. Your mother did. And your brother does. But...when you need love the angel will save you." He smiled at me.

I looked at Dr strange.
"Stephen...? What would you say...?" I asked.

He looked down.
"Don't be scared to say to the person that you love them before it's too late. When it's too late to say don't know what to do anymore and you can't function correctly." He said.
He looked at me as his face began to be a light pink and tears immediately brimmed his eyes.
"I'm sorry, but I must go." He said, getting up and rushing out of the room.
"Stephen-!" I called out, turning in my seat to face him.

I ended up finding him back at his building.
I smiled softly.
"Leave. Your husband must be worried about you." Stephen said, venom lacing on the word husband.
"I wanted to talk to you and apologize for whatever I did." I said, sitting in front to him.
"It's alright....I should've said it earlier anyways-"

"There are infinite outcomes where we end up together. This one....hasn't decided yet. I know I'm married to him, but that doesn't define anything now, get it?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Now If you excuse me....I better go. I'll see you later." I smiled at him before getting up and then walking back to the stark tower.
When I came back thor looked mad.
Like Loki was years ago...

"What took you so long." He demanded.
"I was talking to Stephen. Mind your own damn business." I said, stepping closer to him.

"Answer me when I'm talking to you!" He yelled.
"What's the matter with you!?" I yelled.
Thor stood up and outstretched his arm, his hammer going to his hand.
He gripped it.
"You don't scare me." I said, standing my ground.
"By my father's name I swear you're cheating on me!" He hissed.
I scoffed.
"You insolent bastard! I would never do a thing like that!" I yelled, stepping closer towards him.
He swung his hammer at my cheek but the back of my hand blocked it.
Hurts but it's fine.
"You don't want to do this, love." I said, monotony.
Thor sighed and apologized afterwards.

Gods....I rather be back home than be here.
Peter came back home looking beaten up.
"Peter...what happened?" I asked, getting up from my seat.
He dropped his bookbag and looked away.
"Peter. Talk to me." I demanded.
"It's none of your business." He responded.
I was offended.
"What's your issue? I'm trying to help you!" I yelled.
"Well whenever you help it doesn't work! It never does!" He yelled.
I looked beyond pissed off and stormed down the streets of New York and down to his school.

I punched whoever hurt peter in the face.
"Fucking mess with one more time and you'll see how it feels!" I yelled.

And the cops came to get me afterwards.
I went back home later on and the team, along with peter looked at me.
Peter was mad.
"I could've handled this on my own!" He yelled.
"I'm trying to help!" I yelled.

"Then stop helping!" He hissed.
"You're like my son, let me try and help you please! I want you to be safe-!"


I looked hurt by now.
"Peter, I-"

"BUT NOTHING! Next time....*sigh* next time don't ever pick me up from school. Don't ever help me. Just leave me alone." He said, sitting on the couch afterwards.
I ran to my room and locked the door.

I collapsed onto the floor and cried.
"Love...?" Thor asked.
No response.
"Peter wants to apologize...." he whispered.
No response.
"He's really sorry for what he did-"
"I don't care if he's sorry. He told me to leave him alone." I said.

Thor sighed and unlocked the door.
"C'mon....we're going." He said, picking me up in his arms.
"June, I'm-"
"I don't care f you're sorry or said what you said and that's enough." I answered for him.

"Can you at least say you forgive me?" He asked.
I shrugged.
"When the time is right I will." I said.
"You love her."
"I don't."
"You do."
"How do you know?"
"I have a birds eye, metaphorically."
"Doesn't matter. I don't love her. She's a friend."
"You don't love her?"
"That's true."
"I am not lying Thor!"
"Then shut the hell up!"
"I won't and you can't make me."
"Listen here Wizard....we're married so if you interfere with us...something bad will happen to you."
*a smol thing I decided to do, enjoy-???*

Interviewer: *sits down with a smile* I'm glad you all could make it! My name is Jennifer, nice to meet you. Just gonna ask a few questions...

June: never been in an interview.

Interviewer: Alright, first did you all react when June came along?

RDJ: it was actually nice. She knew how to do things right away but she had the mind of a child, and that's what keeps her alive.

June: *smiles* on the first day there I was in tears. It was like a child's head but expanded.
Interviewer: second question is for did you feel when you got the "ok" for becoming an actress?

June: i was super happy. Because as soon as I got the message, I dropped my phone and looked like I had seen a ghost. My husband picked it up, dropped it, and had the same face. *laughs* I thought I was dreaming!
Interviewer: june, how are you connected with your "movie and/or show family?" And what would be your ultimate team up?

June: they're my real life family. Except the kids, I know them well but they aren't my family sadly. And my ultimate team-up would be killmonger because he'd have a plan to take the villain out. Black widow because she's all stealthy. That's it basically.

Interviewer: people are dying to know these next few questions...when's the next "episode" coming out? Will June get a new outfit? Will they get an official wedding? Will Dr strange admit his feelings? Will they get a kid?

Hemsworth: the newest episode will come out soon and might I say...nobody will expect the ending. Some will but not all.

June: she may get a new outfit and style for her hair. We just don't know yet. And as for the wedding....*smiles* it's a spoiler for the next question.

Interviewer: but will they get a kid?


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