Chapter 1

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I walked up to Angeal's house and knocked on the door. Gillian, Angeal's mother, opened the door. "My dear, what is it?" Gillian asked. I smiled and she smiled back.

"Is Angeal home?" I asked. Gillian's face dropped. She shook her head. I wondered why she looked like that. "When will he be back? Is Genesis with him?" I asked curiously.

"My dear, they left Banora." Gillian said. I was pulled close and I cried into her shoulder. I didn't understand how they could leave me. I was always with them. We were like family. They were the only thing I had close enough to the family I lost. I screamed in grief. I was pulled inside and she held me close. She closed the door and rocked me gently. I screamed their names and I cried their names. I was broken. I didn't want to go on if they didn't come back! "Sweet heart... Are you going be okay?" Gillian asked. I shook my head and she held me.

~~~~7 years later~~~~

I kept going even if it was hard. I sometimes couldn't sleep due to nightmares and I couldn't manage to hold down a good job. The one job that could distract me was the club, but I didn't want to be dancing for men. I wanted to be at the bar serving drinks, but that job was taken up by males. I remember Gillian tells me to do what I must do to keep going. So I took the job of dancing. I had to or else I would lose my house and become homeless. I didn't ask Genesis's family for help, though they would gladly help me. I knew they enjoyed me.

I walked into the club and the manager was waiting for me. "You decided your gonna take the job?" He asked. I nodded and frowned. "It'll be okay. I know it's been hard for you since Angeal and Genesis left. You know you could always ask for help." He said. I shook my head. "Let's get your sizes if you're so determined to do this on your own." He said. He helped me get the outfit required for my position.

~~~~2 years later~~~~

I started to enjoy the attention. I heard about posters of this club appearing around Midgar and other towns. One day the manager came up to us girls while we were practicing. "Soldier wants to know if they can book a night here." The manager said. I looked at them and they nodded eagerly.

"What do we get out of it?" I asked. The manager laughed and smiled. I sighed.

"You could get lucky with a tough male or I could pay you a lot for this one night. Well, I hope it's just one night." The manager said. I nodded. "Thank you so much girls. I hope you don't let them down." The manager said and smiled widely. I went in back and looked at myself in my mirror.

"You can do it Laney... It might be a large crowd, but you can do it. It's gonna be okay... Everything will be okay." I said to myself. "Now what outfit to wear? And what makeup?" I started picking out things. I picked out a horrible outfit, but one the males loved. It's tied up in the front and was a bit exposing. And it also has fake jewels on it. I picked out a very short skirt which matched the top. I looked through the makeup and found a silver eyeshadow. I set that next to the clothes. I got out a black eyeliner then grabbed silver lipstick. I set that all in one spot so I could easily find it.

I looked myself in the mirror. Suddenly the manager entered. "They're going to be here tomorrow and there will be Second Classes and the First Classes." The manager said. "Remember to keep up the good show. You can do it. And maybe you'll get lucky." I shook my head. No one really loved me. I remember what it was like when I had Angeal and Genesis around. They were always there for me, but now they're not. I went out and practiced with the girls. We got a new routine together just for this first one because this is the first time a place wanted to book a night. Was this going to be a spring in my career? I shook my head.

Their friend or is she more to them? (short Story)Where stories live. Discover now