Chapter 2

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~~~~6 weeks later~~~~

~~~Angeal's PoV~~~

She is gone! Why haven't I found her! Why can't I find her! I wanted to scream those words out to the world. We searched but I could tell by her writing that she had been nervous or afraid before she left. I looked through her mother's house when I shoved a bookcase out of the way away from the wall. I saw a doorway with stairs leading down. There was a light of some sort at the bottom of the stairs. I walked down them and founded a small library/work space. I searched the desk and found several entries of some sorts. I read through them in the order I had found them.

Entry: 50

Date: ?,?,?

'Malia Yenra' 

:Her daughter was subjected to some sort of trauma while in the womb. Her entire genetic makeup was altered. It was similar to that of a powerful monster. We had to possess this power in materia. It looks like a summon materia but glows yellow and has yellow in it. We are unsure of what would happen if this materia was destroyed or if she will survive long enough so one may find out. Our goal is to send the mother and the child to Banora with some of the other experiments. We can only hope that everything will be okay:


Entry 100

Date: ?,?,?

'Laney Yenra' 

:Her mother perished by the hand of her father. He planned to destroy the evidence of this experiment, but was unaware of their child. Laney's emotional state has decreased drastically. She only seems to want to keep alive for Hollander's experiments. They possess Jenova cells. And she seems to be endowed with the power to summon and her agility and speed have skyrocketed.  Her father has believed he has succeeded in ending this project. Yet, when she comes of age, we must find out what she is. This may mean breaking the summon orb. How will her body react? We can't wait to see! Project M... Project Malia may never be finished if we could only figure out how to replicate whatever happened to Laney Yenra while she was in the womb:


Entry 4

Date: ?,?,?

'Malia Yenra'

 :The Project has been approved by President Shin-Ra himself. So we continue to experiment with her body. She knows something though... We can't seem to get her to tell us what it is she knows. She has started to get sick often. We can only assume it's the results of the experiments. Her husband Deviprasad Yenra has been supervising Hollander's experiments, but had willingly let his wife become an experiment. He is a strange man. Deviprasad means Gift of the Goddess strangely. We found out about his belief in the Goddess when one day he was reading LoveLess in his office which surprises me even more. Hojo has his Project S. Hollander has his Project G. And I, Professor Len Shangri, have my Project M. So many great projects if I can say so. These notes may record progress on Malia or Hojo and Hollander's projects:


Entry 15

Date: ?,?,?

'Project S and Project G'

:These projects are created with Jenova cells! Hojo experimented on his own son. I am unaware of Hollander's experiments origins except for Gillian. She was injected with Jenova cells and she gave birth to her son Angeal while Genesis had Gillian's genes napped onto him while he was a fetus. These experiments have gone far... Almost too far. This isn't right... Oh well. Malia became acquainted with Gillian, who seemed to get Malia to tell her that she is pregnant with a child. Me, Hojo and Hollander fought over who would take possession of the child after birth. I ended up winning thankfully. They didn't know about the experiments done to Malia's body. I feared for the child. It may not be my own, but I felt responsible for it. Because if something went wrong at any time during the pregnancy then I would be at fault:

Their friend or is she more to them? (short Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang