Chapter 5

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*ooo*=What Jade and Rene are singing

I was sitting upon a roof. Something wasn't right. I growled angrily and jumped down. The Geostigma was gone and something was happening to me. They didn't notice it though. I ran out of Edge and arrived in Banora easily because I was gaining more speed. Then I ran to the Forgotten Capital. I wasn't aware that Vincent and Cloud were there. I transformed into the untamed creature inside me. It roared and I shook my head. They came and looked at me not knowing it was me. There was an awful ringing! Deviprasad came out and he was holding something. In the air, struggling was Len. I became the tamed creature and roared. The ringing stopped hurting my ears. I shook my head violently. "Ohhh you poor thing." Deviprasad teased and I growled. I looked at him and then at Len. I approached and suddenly the ringing got louder. It hurt so bad.

"La-L-La-Laney! D-d-d-d-Don't fight a-a-against it! Get a-a-a-away!" Len choked out. I was starting to get drawn in by the sound. I came closer to him and Deviprasad laughed. "L-l-l-L-La-Laney n-n-no-n-no!" Len shouted. I managed to stop but it hurt. My wings spread out and I had a very long wingspan. Deviprasad made Len scream. I ran at him in anger. Len dropped and I had to dodge out of the way of the blade Deviprasad materialized. It cuts into me still though. I grabbed Len and jumped, then turned around. I growled.

"You're like an animal! You can only thrive! You fester and breed until you overpopulate! You have to be exterminated. I'm so sorry my bright light. I'm sorry my dear. I'm sorry for my beloved. Her calm and peace. I am sorry for the lion. But the bright light must be extinguished." Deviprasad said. He lunged at me and I dodged out of the way. He attacked constantly. I protected myself. Suddenly, I transformed into the untamed creature. I snapped at him not in control. He moved out of the way. I roared and attacked him with a clawed hand. He jumped up. I roared. Vincent and Cloud were watching. Suddenly, Deviprasad ran towards Len. I ran over and attacked. He moved out of the way and I slipped. I accidently hurt Len. "OH, now I have a reason to kill you!" Deviprasad said. I leaned over Len and my tongue lolled out. I licked Len gently. I felt the stabbing pain. I stopped and lashed at Deviprasad. He moved out of the way.

"L-L-L-La-Laney..." Len said. I looked at him worried then I looked back at Deviprasad. I roared and tried to attack him. My claws caught his outfit, but not him. I pulled him closer.  I became human and had a hold of his shirt. His sword slid into my stomach and I gasped. I let go of his shirt and collapsed to my knees. "Nooooo!!!!" Len screamed. I raised my head so that I looked into his eyes. "Laney!" Len screamed. Cloud ran out and attacked. Deviprasad pulled his sword out of me in a blink of an eye and blocked Cloud's attack. Our friends had arrived and Vincent walked out slowly. I let my head drop. They couldn't see the wound. Only, Cloud and Len had seen the sword slide into my stomach. I transformed into the untamed creature and attacked Deviprasad. I grabbed him in my jaws gently. I ran forward and turned around. Cloud looked at me worried. Deviprasad screamed. I lifted my head to the sky and clamped down. The blood of Deviprasad ran down the sides of my mouth and hit the ground. I crushed him up and swallowed. Then they noticed the blood dripping from my stomach. Len's hand was outstretched towards me. Vincent helped Len up. 

"Laney!" Cloud screamed. I looked at him and growled. I turned away. I laid down and I felt something running its hands through my fur. It felt nice and I made a purring sound. Suddenly it climbed up my side and then slid down my forehead. It plopped down in front of me and I opened my eyes to look at it. It was Cid. I moved my clawed hand towards him weakly. He looked at me. 

"You're a good big girl." Cid said, with his accent. "You're good and strong. This ain't like you to be mopin' now is it? You'll be fine. Just get up and deal with it." I let the claw touch his feet, then lifted it up and they froze thinking I was going to crush him. I pat his head as gently as I could and he laughed. I then moved my hand down. I got up slowly. It hurt slightly. He smiled and I gave him a smile back. I followed him and they saw my stomach was healing. It healed easily. I looked at Len.

Their friend or is she more to them? (short Story)Where stories live. Discover now