1. 10 years later

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10 years later...

Hermione sat in her large library in her huge french countryside manager, scribbling away in the old worn leather notebook. The sun was shining brightly thought the floor length window, and it was a warm sunny day. But, it was not a good day for Hermione. Because, it was the 10 year mark since she last saw her friends.

Currently, Hermione was working on her fourth novel. After she had left Hogwarts, with her long-time boyfriend - now husband - after it was revealed to the school that she was pregnant, she had picked up the habit of writing short stories. They eventually spiraled into books and they immediately became best sellers.

Hermione was so invested in her writing, she didn't notice that two more people had entered the library. One of the entrees was a little girl. She had long, wavy blonde hair and piercing grey eyes. Behind her, was her father. Her father had the same grey eyes and blond hair.

" Mummy! Mummy!" The little girl squealed excitedly. The girl ran over to Hermione and climbed into her lap. Hermione chuckled and wrapped her arms around her daughter. Her daughter was a perfect mix of her parents, except she had her father's eyes and hair. Her daughter was 9 years old the most beautiful girl.

" Hello, my sweet Lyra!" Hermione exclaimed as she hugged Lyra tight and kissed her cheek. Lyra giggle and turned in her mother's lap to face her.

" Guess what me and daddy did today!" Lyra said, practically bouncing in Hermione's lap. Hermione snuck a glance at her husband who was beaming at their daughter.

" Daddy and I. " Hermione corrected.

" Totally irrelevant. " Lyra shrugged. Hermione chuckled.

" You can't say Daddy and I, but you can say irrelevant. " Hermione said in disbelief, shaking her head. Lyra ceased to amaze her.

" Well, anyways, me and daddy went to Hogwarts to visit Auntie Minerva, and she gave me this!" Lyra said as she reached behind her and pulled out a jersey. A certain green and silver jersey with the number seven on the back. Hermione grinned and turned to her husband.

" What can I say, we have a natural born Slytherin. " Her husband said with a smirk. Draco Malfoy, stood up and walked over to his wife and daughter. He kissed Hermione on the head before picking up Lyra.

" Oh! You are getting to heavy!"Draco grunted as he picked her up.

" No I am not!" She sassed. Hermione chuckled as she continues to evaluate the jersey.

" It's shrunken. " Hermione said in confusion.

" Auntie Minerva shrunk it, so I can wear it since it was daddy's." Lyra said with a grin.

After Draco and Hermione had settled in France, Hermione had wrote to their old headmistress and she had quickly responded. Ever since, Minerva had been in their lives, and she soon became like an aunt to Lyra.

Hermione smiled before looking away so Lyra wouldn't see her smile drop. Draco, however, did see it.

" Hey, princess? Why don't you go floo call Nana Cissa and Papa Lucius. " Draco suggested. Even though his daughter was only nine, she was very smart; uncannily like her mother. Lyra nodded and leapt out of her father's arms, speed running out of the library.

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