2. Confrontations

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A/N: Hey everyone, I hope you like it so far. As seen above, I have posted pictures of what the three girls look like in this part.

One week later....

Hermione and Draco looked over the piles of dresses and outfits  in Lyra's massive closet to make sure they had everything they needed for the pageant today.

All week, Lyra had been talking nonstop about the pageant. Anybody who would listen, she would talk to. It was quite adorable really.

Draco looked at the dress that Lyra had picked out to wear. He liked it, but he has a feeling something would go wrong leaving Lyra sad.

" Hey, 'Mione. " He says, getting his wife's attention. " Are you sure this is the dress Lyra picked?" He asked holding it up.

" Oh yes. That's the one. She talked nonstop about it. " Hermione groaned. It was a fine dress, but she really didn't think it went with her daughter.

" Mummy! Daddy! " Lyra yelled from her room. Draco sighed and looked at Hermione. He lived his daughter, but she could work a nerve about this whole pageant thing.

" Yes, princess?" Draco called back to her.

" Can Nana Cissa come over to help me practice my walk!" She asked.

" Lyra, she's meeting us at the pageant in an hour. " Draco called back. He zipped up one of the suitcases, one that held all the makeup and hair supplies for the pageant, and started to help Hermione get Lyra's other outfits into the suitcases. Once everything was packed up, Hermione grabbed two suitcases and Draco grabbed the rest.

Lyra was sitting impatiently, waiting for them to come out. As soon as she saw her parents, she jumped off the bed and headed to the door. Hermione and Draco looked at their daughter with an amused expression as they traipsed down the stairs.

Hermione looked at the bags, and they disappeared. She had sent them to the manor using wandless magic.

The plan was for Draco, Hermione, Lyra , and Narcissa to head to the pageant straight away after Hermione sent the bags to the manor, where Lucius would take them to the pageant.

So, grabbing her daughters hand, Hermione apparated them to where the pageant was being hosted. Draco followed shortly behind him.

When they go there, the couple surprised to find out that the pageant was being held at one of Theo Nott's hotels. Theo Nott used to being one of Draco's best friends before Draco left to France with Hermione. Draco had never really kept in touch with because Theo was one of the Slytherins that picked on Hermione the most.

Lyra snapped her parents' out of their surprised state by grabbing them by the hands and pulling them towards where Narcissa was standing. As soon as Narcissa saw her granddaughter, she took off in a quick walk and scooped Lyra into her arms.

" Oh it's my beautiful granddaughter. How are you?" She asked Lyra as she kissed both of her cheeks.

" Nana Cissa!" She whines as she wiped her cheeks and blushed. Behind Narcissa, a group of girls, who looked to be 13 , were pointing and giggling at them. Hermione and Draco both put on a steely glare. The girls immediately shut up, blushed pink, and ran inside. Draco smirked.

The Pageant WarsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ