I can't lose her

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She'll be okay"- Tyler said again trying to comfort me..

I hope so"- I sighed. I really do.

Jonas, I know it's hard, but when I talked to Mrs. Bennet earlier she said that it's the best for you to be in the orphanage as soon as possible.. She told me that you will be allowed to come here everyday for an hour to see Crystal.. But it's 2am and you must go now"- he tapped me on the shoulder.

An hour?! But.."- I know that Mrs. Bennet is just worried for me but hey.. I can't leave Crystal alone.. She'd never leave me alone..

Come on.. When Crystal wakes up, I'll talk to Mrs. Bennet and she will allow you to stay longer.. Just go now"- He smiled.. Why does he care?

Okay, okay.. I'll see you in the morning"- I said and stood up.

My driver is down in the cafeteria.. He will drive you to the orphanage."- we did a high five and then I went downstairs.


Why is life so unfair? Those kids don't deserve this.. I'm so sorry for the both of them.. I didn't know how to tell Jonas earlier that he was going to get adopted.. He was going in Washington, a bit far from California tho.. He'd broke to pieces if I told him. Maybe in another situation he'd be happy to hear that, but I'm sure about what's his answer right now..

And the point is that his answer doesn't really matter.. I hate how those things work but it's said that if all the conditions for adoption are alright, the child HAVE to live with that family for at least 30 days before they say the final answer.. And of course Jonas can't say no without any reasons.. And leaving his best friend isn't a reason for them. God damn.

Crystal's operation should have been already started when I saw the doctor coming towards the operation hall.

Hey doctor"- I stopped him.

Hello sir"- He greeted me.

Is Crystal okay?"- I asked him.

For now, it's risky so I can't really say a lot.. We will know everything after this operation.. "- I could say that he wasn't really optimistic about it..

We have to see if all of her vital organs are good, if it's not like that, we don't really have chances.."- he added and my heart skipped a beat.

But, I can't lose her!"- I yelled trying not to start crying.

We'll do our best, sir"- he told him and got in the operation hall.



Mrs Bennet is waiting for me in her office, I don't know what's wrong but I really hope it's nothing bad about Crystal..

I got upstairs and knocked on her door.

Get in"- I heard her voice and I got into the office slowly. I haven't been here for such a long time, actually, since 3 years ago, when I broke the window while playing football with the boys.

You have wanted to see me"- I said.

Yes Jonas. Sit down, please"- she smiled but I could say that something was wrong.

I sat down and looked at her, waiting for her to start talking.

So.. I know how hard this period is for you.. Miss. Crystal is your best friend and I understand how you feel right now.. But unfortunately, yesterday the directors told me that there are people from Washington who want to adopt a boy around the age of 14 and that is a good student, so the directors recommended you and the people agreed.. All the things about your adoption are done and you're flying to Washington for 3 days.."- She finished finally.

What?!"- I freezed. This is too much.

I- I can't go"- I was broken. I know that there is no way I'll be let not to go there..

It will be alright.. You'll be coming here on every two months for the first year."- She is really bad at helping people to feel better..

But what about Crystal?! She isn't awake still. How will I say goodbye to her?"- Tears started forming in my eyes.

There are still 3 days for her to wake up"- She smiled.

But.. What if she doesn't wake up in 3 days? What then?"- I tried not to yell.

Let's not think about that"- She really didn't know how to help me.


But Jesse, we can't leave her alone in that orphanage again"- I tried to convince my brother to adopt Crystal.

Tyler, I really appreciate what she had done and I'm so thankfull that she saved my son, but we can't deal with one more child.. I and Leila are really busy, George is enough for us.."- he told me.

But.. "- I started.

We can't but if you really want to help her, you can adopt her"- Jesse said suddenly. Why haven't I think of this earlier?

But.. I don't really know how to care for children.. I have not even formed a family yet"- I really don't know anything about this.

She is 15. I'm sure you can hande her, she will also be good for your reputation"- he smiled.

Don't start with that! I don't care about my reputation right now!"- I knew he didn't think nothing bad but I get really mad when he says something like this.

Okay, okay. Since the doctor said that she is okay now and that she will wake up soon, I'll leave you alone.. Think about it tho, you can change the lifes of the both of you"- he hugged me and then left.

Meant to be 》》Adopted by Tyler PoseyWhere stories live. Discover now