Wanna drink?

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No, I don't"- I said for 5th time.

Yes you do. You really like Sprayberry Crystal. You just don't want to admit."- Shelley was sure.

God damn. Okay, maybe I do. But, does that make any difference? No. He's 19 and he's a famous actor, he had probably fucked more girls than there are stars on the sky, he's handsome for fuck sake. He can have every girl he'd want and I'm 100% sure he'd not give a shit about me."- Tears formed in my eyes.

God damn Crystal! He's 19, so what! 4 years are not that much, and also he's not like everyone else, he cares for people, he isn't just fucking around with different girls every night. Also, I think that he likes you too.. You didn't see him when you fainted, how he caried you in his hands to the hospital, how much he cared while you were asleep, how much this boy thinks about you"- Shelley told me.

Does he?"- I hesitated, not sure what to say.

Yes Crystal. You're 15 but this boy does not care at all"- She smiled.

Yeah Shell, but even if he doesn't care about it, even if something hipotetically happens, do you think Tyler will give us an approval?!"- I was scared of the thought itself.

Well.. Not at first, but.."- She started.

He'll never be okay with that."- I proclaimed.

Is my bestie ready to go home?!"- Dylan ran into the room.

Yass buddy!"- I laughed and he gave me the biggest hug ever.

Come on girls, Tyler and the others are waiting for us in the house"- He smiled.

Yay! Finally after 2 long days!"- I sighed. Yeah, maybe 2 days spent in the hospital seem normal to you, it's not like that for me. I've had enough of this place. Enough.

You said that Tyler and the others will be there, who are the others?"- I asked Dylan when we got in his car.

They're Hoechlin, Froy, Holland and Cody, tonight will be so much fun!"- Dylan laughed.

Oh, so like I thought.. Sprayberry won't be there.

Yes, it will"- I tried to sound enthusiastic.

You know what Crystal?"- Shelley asked all of sudden.

What?"- I asked.

Our lives got funner since you've showed up. We love you so much"- She smiled.

She's right. You came.. Just in the right time, when everyone started to get distant and moody.. You showed up and fixed everything. With you, everything got back to normal"- Dylan said with a warm voice, not taking his eyes of the street.

I love you too guys. I've been here for not even 2 months and I already can't imagine my life without you."- I kissed both of them on their cheeks.

Soon we arrived at our house and when we got into everyone was laughing and happy. Because of me. Once in my life I was reason for somebody's happiness.

Wanna drink?"- Froy asked me while we all were dancing.

Yeah, thank.."- Tyler's voice interupted us from the back.

"No alcohol for her!"

Yeah, get me a juice for god sake"- I said and Froy laughed.

Deal"- he nodded and went to get a drink.

For about an hour later, everyone was drunk as hell, except Tyler of course, he doesn't drink anything but beer. But I could say that even he was a bit tipsy. Hoechlin, Shelley and Froy were the most drunk ones, and while the boys were playing some table games, Shelley and Tyler were cuddling on the sofa. There is something beetween them, we'll see as the time flies..

This party will be on for at least 3-4 hours more, but I was really tired so I went upstairs to my room.

I got in and by the time I wanted to turn on the light someone grabbed me from behind and put a hand on my mouth. I started kicking around, trying to get myself free but nothing, the grip was strong.

Shh it's just me"- That was Sprayberry's voice. What the hell?! He was holding me so tight that we lost balance and we both fell down on my bed.

You scared the shit of me, what the hell are you doing here?"- I tried to stand up but he got my hand in his and pulled me back on the bed, next to him.

I'm sorry, I just wanted to see you, I mean.. My mum needed me to come in our house earlier and I couldn't come to the party. I really wanted to spend time with you little princess but as I can see you had fun without me too"- He pretended that he was hurt. He's cute to be honest.

Aww no, not really. That's why I came up to my room so early.."- I smiled.

Glad to hear that."- He said and I could feel his warm breath on my neck.

Hey.. I'm sorry for, you know.. Making you worried earlier, I'm such a weak bitch that is scared of horror movies, and that's shy to say that out loud, ya know?"- I added, really wanting him not to have a picture like that for me, but that's the truth.

He placed his fingers on my mouth giving me a signal to stop talking.

No. What are you talking about sweetie? I was so damn scared that anything will happen to you, and when the doctors said that you'll be okay I was feeling like the world is mine. I'm not gonna lie now.. I really don't love you like the others.. I mean we all love you so much, but my love for you is different.. I want to make you happy and to show you a whole different world.. I want to make you mine."- He breathed heavily.

I-I.. I was scared to admit but I think I love.."-My heart was racing and just when I couldn't continue speaking, Dylan's lips crashed onto mine.

I've never had a boyfriend and I've never kissed someone before. Okay, I've kissed Jonas before, like 5 years ago when we were little kids, but that was just a childlish peck on the lips. But this.. This was different, I was following Dylan's movements and we both were in a perfect sync. We were playing with our tongues and his hands were travelling on my shimmering body, but he was perfectly good at making me feel amazingly comfortable, he knew the boundaries very well.

After some moments that felt like forever we pulled apart in need for air. Woah. I just had my first kiss.

That was amazing"- He mumbled.

Yeah, it was"- I was lucky that it was dark in the room, otherwise Dylan'd be able to see my chilli-red cheeks.

You were so good for a 15 year old.. Experience hmm?"- He laughed.

Not really.."- I giggled.

What do you mean by 'not really'?"- He was curious.

This was my first kiss. Ever."- I giggled and blushed even more.

Woah! Well, I'm honored.. "- He pecked my lips again.

So you've never had a boyfriend too?"- He asked.

Nope"- I smiled, playing with his hair.

I'm so lucky, you know? Because you have now, and that's nobody else, but me"- He hugged me tightly.

But.. What about Tyler? I mean I'm 4 years younger than you, it's tehnically illegal.."- I started.

Agh don't worry about it. The worst thing Tyler can do is to kill me"- He laughed.

What?!"- I panicked.

Just kidding Crys. No, of course he won't be okay with this at first, but I'm pretty sure he'll get used to.. Us"- He kissed my forehead.

I still don't think we should tell him right now"- I sighed.

Deal"- Dylan squeezed my hand.

I have to go now sweetie. Don't worry I'll go from the backyard so nobody will see me, I've got the keys since last year when we were roomates with Tyler for a short time.. Good night"- He kissed me once again for the last time and carefully got out of the bed, then left.

Meant to be 》》Adopted by Tyler PoseyWhere stories live. Discover now