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It was a warm winter night, everyone in the castle was sleeping, except for one. Everyone knows that Mal suffers from nightmares so when she woke up during the night in a cold sweat, it was a normal recurrence. Her dreams would always have the same ending, her losing Ben. Apart from tonight. Mal shot up from bed in an extreme cold sweat, her palms were sweating, her head and arms shaking. Mal would've reached over to Ben to wake him up and to allow him to comfort her but tonight he was missing. Instead of having his loving and warm body close, he was in a meeting with the sidekicks over a pay rate.

Mal's breathing got worse as she left her bed and made her way to their bathroom. Forcefully, she grabbed the cold and rusty handle and made the door fly open and hit the wall behind it. Slowly she began to lose balance and gripped the sides of the bathtub for support. The longer she held herself up, the quicker she was losing energy so quickly she dropped to the bathroom floor with her back leaning against the bathtub. She pulled her knees up to her chest and tried to work through her anxiety attack. She wanted to scream for help but every time she tried, it felt like her words were being forced back down her throat and were trapped by her fear. There she sat against the bathtub, suffocating and crying. Her lips were slowly turning blue and her face paler than before, her nails dug into her skin and her face began to drip with sweat. Mal couldn't control her breathing and at this point, she was sure that she was about to pass out.


"All we are simply asking is that his Majesty ups the pay rate for us" Grumpy grunted ask he spoke "We all saved Snow White from her stepmother but EQ is still getting paid more than us" Happy retaliated. My father stood up from the other end of the meeting table "First of all, EQ does not get paid for anything, I can assure you of that. Second, I suggest that we increase your pay by 35% rather than the 70% that you were suggesting Grumpy." My father sat back down and turned to look at me. "I agree with that proposition, if no one objects then the notion is carried" I looked around the room "Notion carried, meeting dismissed" and with that everyone left the table and began to disperse out the main door. I quickly start to gather up my paper before bidding my parents a good night. I slowly made my way up the grand staircase and loosened my tie. I slowly opened the bedroom door in-case Mal was still asleep. As I allowed the light from the hallway to seep into the bedroom, I noticed that Mal wasn't in our bed however the bathroom door was slightly open and the light was on.

I didn't take any notice of it so I walked over to the other side of the bed and began to remove my blazer and shoes. I was about to start unbuttoning my shirt but I stopped when I started to hear wheezing, it was like someone trying to breathe but was failing. Then I realized what the sound was and who it was coming from. "MAL?" I yelled as I pushed the bathroom door back. I stepped over to her and stopped in the middle of the bathroom, I stared down at my wife, she was leaning against the tub while hugging her knees and attempting to breathe. It was clear to me that she was in the middle of a panic attack. I knelt down to her level and placed my hands on her knees. "Mal baby, breathe just breathe." I tried to stay as calm as I could even though my body was now shaking. If I could make this all stop and take the pain away, I would in a heartbeat. "Mal focus on my breathing and copy me" I directed Mal. Slowly but surely, she started to breathe, it was a little shaky at first but at least she was breathing.

When Mal finally regained control over her breathing, she hugged me tight and refused to let go as if there was no tomorrow. I gently scooped her up and carried her bridal style out of the bathroom and moved her over to our bed. It was now nearing one in the morning and I could tell that Mal was tired. Gently I moved her head onto the pillow and then moved closer to her and pulled her into an embrace. I started to stroke her hair as she wandered back to sleep, that's how we stayed until the early hours of the morning.

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