2. Tree of Life

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A/N: I was supposed to publish chapter 2 on the 17th of February but since today was the deadline of my research project and I haven't done anything, I had to do my research and focus on it, sorry for your wait, here is the chapter, 💕✨

A/N: I was supposed to publish chapter 2 on the 17th of February but since today was the deadline of my research project and I haven't done anything, I had to do my research and focus on it, sorry for your wait, here is the chapter, 💕✨

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A sudden idea came to his mind, one of his brothers, Junmyeon, the 4th brother, is smart and he might be able to read the unknown writings Luhan wants to know.

A sigh escaped Luhan's lips as he walks towards his bed, falling into his bed as he closes his eyes.


The 2nd brother furrowed his eyebrows when he felt a hand shaking him to wake up. His eyes shot open in anger as he gets up but his anger immediately turned to a delightful mood upon seeing his youngest brother, the person he trusted the most.

He smiles and greets his youngest brother, "Good morning Sehunnie, why are you up so early?" Seeing that the sun wasn't rising, it was ominous for him to see the 12th brother conscious in this kind of hour, the latter giggles and brushes his nape.

"Father said that we needed to go." The smile Luhan had on his face turned to hatred, the younger could hear him clicking his tongue.

Sehun observes the older's room and he was surprised, it was very dull. His eyes then laid on a certain thing, the hidden chest under Luhan's desk. He points at it and wondered, "What's that?"

"It's where I keep my stuff." The older lied, the younger nodded and left his room. As the younger leaves, he thought of checking his other brothers which lead him to check the oldest brother. Sehun arrives at the older's doorstep as he knocks, he waited for the older's response but nothing happened.

The youngest sighs and tries to open the door but it wouldn't budge, as he was trying to push the door open a sudden voice interrupted him, "What the hell are you doing?" Sehun looked over his shoulder and saw the 9th brother.

The doe-eyed brother looked at the younger with curiosity, it was strange for the older to see the youngest pushing their oldest brother's door yet he wanted to know what was happening. "You do know that you're disturbing our older brother's time, am I right?"

Sehun gulped, he could see that his older brother was serious but at the same time, he needed to defend his side and explain. "Kyungsoo-hyung I tried knocking but Minseok-hyung wouldn't answer." He pointed out which made the older raise his eyebrow at him.

Kyungsoo made his way to the oldest's doorstep and tried knocking and to his surprised, there was no response from the older. He looked at the younger and it hinted Sehun that they should open it with force, the two of them pushed the door as the door burst open. "Hyung is everything alri--" Kyungsoo stops as his eye widened with fear and so as the younger.

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