~Beginning Authors Note~

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I would just like to let everyone know that this book is not really a short story, but it doesn't really fit any other genre so I'm gonna keep it as short story 😋.

This book is dedicated to Jazzy (Diamondtheotaku) and my sister (MillionMonkeyQueen).  Jazzy is my bus buddy and My sister is my soon to be bus buddy 😉.

This is also for the lady who drives our school bus, I sadly don t know her name but I will refer to her as "Cherry" in this story because I feel as though this suits her.

In real life Jay and me sit right behind her in the front seat. We talk, and sometimes I think that she eavesdrops on us. I don't care of course but it seems natural for her to look up at us through her rear view mirror. It seems that when she does that, we then know she is not an alien and that she is human (If that makes sense 😂).

Anyway please vote and comment on the chapters (it means alot 😘) and I hope y'all enjoy!

(If you have a new bus driver, or someone who drives you places, please thank them today, or tell them something nice to make them feel special 🚌🚕🚋).

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