~Chapter 1~

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I looked down at the newspaper, reading all of the available jobs (which were very few). There were jobs like Janitor, Teacher, I even saw one called (and I quote this) "Pooper Scooper". I immediately didn't want to know what that job was.

I kept looking and looking, but I couldn't find anything that I was attracted to. I shrugged and thought that I could look for new jobs tomorrow. I tossed the newspaper in the trash, put my hand on my chin, and sighed a long sigh. One of those sighs that make you want to go to sleep (or die in a dark little hole that you'd dig for yourself to lie in).

Anyway, Hi. My name's Cherry Penner. I'm 20 years old and I am (FINALLY) out of High school (I stayed an extra year because I was failing). I like to eat chocolate, beng watch Star Wars, Cry myself to sleep cause im lonely as heck, tries to ride horses but fails, blah blah blah. All of that sweet stuff. Let's just say I'm not the type that likes to socialize.

The one thing I need though, is a job. I need money. My mother lended me a car last week, hoping that I would be able to be responsible for myself. Look at me now. My mother was absolutely wrong. I'm out of gas and I accidentally broke my rear view mirror because I was playing around with a thing called a paper airplane. Dont ask why and how it broke glass. It just did.

Since I cant really drive anywhere, I have to walk. My father put me in this campaign (community service) to help other people. He said it would be good for me. NOPE. It's literally the most boring thing ever. I would rather go back to Highschool, and that's saying something.

I get bored real quickly in my house, so I go outside and walk around sometimes. Today I went for a little stroll. I enjoy walking by the park and seeing all of the Cherry Trees (hence my name). They are my favorite. Today, there were these two girls, they were playing at the park.

They were so annoying to me because they were blocking my Cherry Trees. I could hear them screaming, and laughing as they raced around the play set. I could even hear their conversations they were so loud.

"If I could fly, I would become batman." Said the brown haired girl.

" Batman can't fly you idiot. " said the other, she had short black hair. The brown haired girl stuck her tongue out at her as the black headed girl smirked.

"I hate your pencils." The brown headed girl snapped. The black haired girl seemed offended and ran after her like a mad guerilla. In the end they swung on the swings and started talking about Turtles, light bulbs, bushes, and Gym Class (😉).

I laughed a little. What a wierd friendship. They seem like such opposites. I continue walking and notice myself coming back to the little group of those two girls. I decided to sit on a bench near the park and listen to them speak. I know, I know, I sound like a stalker but they just interest me so much.

"Hey Jazzy.." Said the brown girl cheekily. I'm guessing the black headed girl was Jazzy...

"Yes Grace?" Said Jazzy. I'm guessing the brown headed girl was Grace..

"Do you like cheese?" Grace said.

" do you like magic? " said Jazzy.

"YES!" screamed Grace.

" Then be quiet as I name my pencils. " She whispered. Grace giggled and watched her from over her back.

"What if.." Grace whispered as she reached for Jays pencils ( boyf in particular).

"GRACE, HANDS. OFF." Yelled Jazzy. Grace whimpered and pouted in the corner.

"BUT. I WANNA TOUCH IT." Screamed Grace.

" YOU SOUND LIKE A FREAKING 5 YEAR OLD. " Yelled Jazzy. They stared at each other, in a massive poker face battle against the odds of all humanity, but Grace ended up cracking a smirk and laughing her heart away. Jazzy couldn't help but crack a small smile and went back to her pencils.

"If.." Grace whispered again, grabbed a pencil, and ran to the nearest swing. Jazzy jumped up and started yelling at her to give it back.

I started laughing, they were just so fun. I looked at my watch and noticed it was probably time for me to go home. I sat up and walked down the street, away from those wierd little middle schoolers.

A/N Hi, New book, please vote and comment, bai :3

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