Thrown onto the Plane

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You sat there in a silent panic. On the plane in an isle seat next to Yoongi-Oppa. Across the isle sat Taehyung, Jeongguk, and Jimin. In front of them Hobi, Namjoon, and Jin. Sweat pooled at your lower back and soaked your shaky palms as you still managed to wonder how you had gotten into this situation whilst having so many other thoughts whiz through your head at the same time...

The day before...

It was your third time going to a BTS fansign as a foreigner in Korea and they were sure to remember you. You were nervous. Not nearly as nervous as the first time though. When you briefly forgot how to speak the Korean you had spent two years learning just for that moment. The line was becoming shorter and your heart was becoming faster as it was your turn next. As you walked up on shaky legs you saw Taehyungs pretty eyes light up excitedly on his face.

 "Y/N! You came again!" He shouted happily as one of the staff grabbed your album and placed it in front of him to sign. You looked away slightly embarrassed as you wobbled up to him. As soon as you were within reach he leaned forward in his seat and poked either side of your cheeks with each finger. Flashing his boxy grin as he giggled softly. Your face blowing up a bright red before he retreated back into his seat.

"G-good to see you again too, Taehyung-Oppa..." You muttered softly as he began to sign your album.

"I'm starting to run out of things to ask, and things to tell..." You giggled nervously as you fiddled with the rings on your fingers.

He already knows everything you wanted him to know and you know everything you wanted to know... He knows your a translator and have a talent for learning languages, he's already played with your many earrings that he finds so interesting (making you almost die right there might I add), and you've already told him the only thing you want is to have a friend to open you up like he did for Jeongguk... (As well as that he is your favorite)

"Well then, how about I ask you a question?" He suggested as he began finishing up. You raised your eyebrow at him yo which he responded with the same exaggerated gesture making you giggle into your hand as he continued.

"Are you going back to America soon?"He asked kindly.

"Hm? Yeah in a few weeks actually..." You thought it an odd question for him to ask but went along with it anyway.

"Would you ever consider staying in Korea?"

"Well, yeah... Except never without my sister... Cus she's all I have." You smiled softly at his surprised expression before continuing down the line and meeting eyes with Jeongguk. Who gave you his sweet bunny smile as he began signing the album.

"So you really love your sister that much?" He asked obviously overhearing your conversation with Tae and continuing it.

"Of course I do, not only is she my sister but she is my best friend!" And you flashed him your brightest smile after which you could've sworn you saw a slight blush creep into his face before you moved onto Jimim who greeted you with a book to the head with a balloon.

"Heeey!" You giggled as you looked up to see his laughing face literally emitting sunshine. And the squeak his laugh made as he took in a breath... Most beautiful thing you've ever heard.

"Jimin-oppa that's not nice." You spoke more comfortably pouting, as he giggled one last time and began signing your album.

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