Youtube Videos

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You sat in your room engulfed in silence with just faint sounds coming from the headphones shooting sounds into your ears. As you occasionally typed in some things before playing a video again and listening closely. You didn't notice at all when Taehyung, Jimin, and Jeongguk creaked your door open and snuck in one after the other.

You didn't notice until you glanced over your shoulder just seconds before Taehyung was about to place his hand there. You popped up like a cat, almost flying off of your chair. You yanked your headphones off your head, now being able to hear their laughter and specifically Jeongguks cackling.

You clutched at your chest and groaned as you hunched over and fought off the fainting feeling that was creeping up on you. You could clearly hear your heart about to burst in your ears when you looked up to them with half angry half relieved eyes.

“WHAT THE FUCK??!!! YOU SCARED THE LITERAL SHIT OUTTA ME!!” Your shouting only made them laugh harder as Jimin was already crouching on the ground a hand clutching to Taehyung's arm and Jeongguk had flopped on your bed. You took a deep breath and calmed yourself down as you turned back to your computer screen.

“You know how many times I've told you that headphones are dangerous with me… I almost fucking passed out you assholes.” You spoke angrily as you rewound the parts of the video you missed.

“Wha-what’re you doing anyway?” Taehyung was able to huff out as he was the first able to recollect himself. Your head flipped around and shot him a glare as well as the other two you noticed look up.

“Translating your videos, cus’ it's my job… ” You spoke clearly and pointedly before flipping back around to your screen.

“What videos?” Jeongguk asked.

“Yeah, we haven't made anything recently…” Jimin added as the three boys began huddling around you.

“YouTube videos.” You said as you began typing in english again.

“I'm trying to make as many of your videos available in English.”

“I guess it’s not really my job since nobody told me to do it, but I thought it should be.” They all stared at you with varying baffled expressions, making your nose scrunch.

“What?! I can be responsible!” They just continued staring now trying to suppress smiles. You just sighed then continued working.

“What did you even come here for?” You asked after a short time with a passive aggressive tone in your voice.

“Just bored…” Tae briefly supplied as he flopped onto your bed quite ungracefully, making a face before pulling out your phone he had also unceremoniously flopped on.

“Yeah…” Jeongguk sat cross legged on the corner pushing Tae’s leg out of the way.

“Well like I said, I'm working, so go be bored somewhere else.” You then tried to focus back on your work with only one earbud in, too scared to replace the other one with them still stalking about your room.

A few minutes passed and you could hear them creaking around on your bed and fiddling with your shit all the while sighing very exaggeratedly, very annoyingly you might add. You felt your face slowly scrunching into one of annoyance as time passed and your working pace was slowed greatly by you glancing back repeatedly and making sure they weren't breaking anything.

Once you even glanced back to see them attempting to balance a clipboard you left lying around precariously on top of your alarm clock. That you were somehow able to ignore, only flinching slightly each time you heard them fail.

It was only when you felt air being blown on either ear consecutively, cringing each time, for a good 5 minutes that you turned around and slapped who you found to be Jimin in the arm and shooed away. Although it didn't work for very long and you felt the annoying air again within 3 minutes. You heard them chuckling and continuously whisper your name, taunting, from somewhere in the room as a hand also began poking your neck.

“Fine…” You gave in with a sigh and slammed your laptop shut tugging your one ear bud out and throwing it on the desk.

“Yay” Tae convulsed on the bed arching while laying face down.

“Mwahahaha!” Jeongguk maniacally laughed while making exaggerated movements with his hands from where he was on the floor. You stood up from your chair, Jimin following closely like a puppy, and pried your phone from Tae’s hands before folding one leg and sitting on the bed.

Watching as Jeongguk scooted himself over and placed his head on top of his folded arms on the bed.

“You got me, now what.” You sighed trying to hide a small smile as you thought to yourself how happy you actually were to be there, with them. Jimin practically jumped onto your back causing you to fall over Taehyung's back who promptly let out an oof in response.

“Jimin-ahhhh…” You struggled annoyed as you moved your arms to push yourself up before feeling more than double the same weight on your back. Jeongguk feeling left out, piling on top with a bunny giggle.

“Oh I see, your bored so you decided it was time to kill me.” You said after you managed to slide partially out from under them.

“Yeah, definitely….” You barely heard Tae croak from under you.

“Tae just being collateral damage, right guys?” After a long silence, you couldn't stop yourself from laughing after seeing Tae’s red face of disbelief as they tumbled off of you. You slowly rolling off of Tae’s lifeless body.

Afterward, you finally decided upon just chatting for a bit before the trio had to return to dance practice. After they left you splayed out on your bed and sighed contently, they may be a handful but they know how to make you laugh.

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