Teach Who What?!?

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Italics means they are speaking English

The interview finally concluded and you were at last able to release the breath you didn't realize you had held for the entirety of filming. Everything actually went way better than you could have imagined, you were even almost happy with your performance.

You continued to surprise yourself during the interview when you were able to comprehend and translate everything at a reasonable speed and almost by instinct (since you were blank faced and barely consciously there for most of the time...)

Once everything was being wrapped up and filming was finished the managers, staff, PDs, and BTS members were all congratulating and thanking one another, saying 'good work' and such while bowing repetitively.

You jumped in the seat you hadn't moved an inch from the entire time when a familiarly gentle hand settled on your shoulder startling you. When you turned to find who the hand belonged to, you recognized the kind woman from earlier who had made an effort to reassure you before the broadcast.

"You did great." Her voice was gentle and soft just, like her hand, as she at you smiled in a reassuring manner. You just sat there visibly mesmerized by the recent sequence of events. You eventually comprehending that you were just complemented and are being rude by not responding.

You shot up from your seat in a fluster as you immediately bowed and thanked her repeatedly. Her eyes widened at your sudden jolt of action, then her face softened and she giggled sweetly before her head swept around as if she heard her name being called. She gave you one last warm smile in goodbye before she turned and left.

As soon as she was no longer in sight muscles that you had unknowingly tightened, full of nervousness and panic from being thrown into the sudden social situation, relaxed only slightly. But not much time passed until your body was tense again as the managers, staff, and PD-nims began complimenting and congratulating you on your first interview in a disorienting flurry.

You were bowing and thanking non-stop with the rush of words directed at you in both Portuguese and Korean, you were becoming overwhelmed as your face began to hurt from smiling so hard already. But your mind was still clear enough to notice out of the corner of your eye some of the band members coming your way, following the trend of complementing the newbie. You scrambled.

You did your best at avoiding them and were able to make a smooth escape to your safe haven in the form of a car. The one place other than your hotel room where you could relax. When you finally arrived back at your hotel fully prepared to live out the rest of your days there from within your room until you were needed again.

You speed walked to the elevator that would take you to you hotel room. To your refuge, your sanctuary, your den, but Namjoon and Hitman Bang PD-nim prevent you from doing so just moments away from the button.

Unable to refuse your elders and higher-ups you obey them and followed them down a hall and to a room door, you being excessively nervous the whole way.

You could hear laughter and idle conversation from the other side of the door before you followed behind the two as they entered the room. You watched in anticipation as you fiddled with your rings anxiously. You had no idea what was going on or why you were there, they hadn't explained anything to you they just told you to come along with them. Only very few of the residents of the room noticing your arrival until Namjoon spoke up.

"Okay, listen up everybody." All eyes in the room looked up from their food and phones or from under a snapback they were attempting to sleep under (read- Yoongi). Some were annoyed (again, read- Yoongi) and some were just utterly confused with cheeks full of food like a chipmunk as Namjoon took a breath and continued.

"I proposed a plan to Bang PD-nim earlier and after discussing for a bit he agreed to my plan." He looked to Bang PD-nim, who in turn nodded, before continuing. You looked on nervously, still questioning why you were there only to be answered in just a split moment.

"We've decided since teaching you guys English has been taking way too long... We will split you in half and have someone else teach the struggling maknaes English." He observed their skeptical reactions except for Yoongi who discerned this discussion had nothing to do with him and retreated back to sleep under his cap.

"Who?" Jeongguk asked after a short time. Except you were already sweating because you knew exactly where this was going ever since the words 'teach' and 'English' fell from Namjoons mouth.

As you expected, he turned and gestured to you, causing you to shrink into yourself a little, thinking maybe if you could make yourself small enough they wouldn't be able to see you.

"Y/N." He spoke casually, this was apparently enough to bring out your personality behind the anxiety. Because then in a sudden overflow of anger and frustration you glared daggers at him causing him to jolt in surprise.

"No, no, no, no, no! I never agreed to this! Shouldn't you have, like, asked me about this before telling everybody else Namjoon-ssi?!" You were so angry and done with being thrown around, you decided just to speak in English at him. He looked at you with his hands raised defensively (as if you were gonna hit him, yeah right).

"Sorry..?" He spoke quietly still taken aback by your sudden outburst. You then breathed out a sigh and put a hand to your face as you looked over the maknaes wide eyes and shocked faces (with a bit of confusion in there because they had no idea what you were saying). Teach...? These guys...? Ugh, making an inexperienced person teach your maknaes English without telling that person first, real professional Namjoon... But...

"Ugh, fine..." His face lit up brightly at your words.

"I'll try... But I've never taught anyone a different language before, so I can't promise quality or that it'll even take less time than if you were just to do it yourself..." He just continued smiling with that goofy smile of his and you could feel a headache forming in the back of your skull. You turned to notice the confused faces of the other members and realized you were still speaking English, drawing up some color onto your cheeks.

"That's fine, I'm sure you'll do great." You blushed at his sincerity and started to feel your anxiety flooding in after the high from you outburst was dying down. Quickly becoming embarrassed with all that you said repetitively replaying in your head.

"She said yes, so you'll meet at 11:00 tomorrow in the room next door to this one, she'll decide the rest." He glanced to you for approval in which you responded with a nod from behind your hand shielding your embarrassment. "Okay guys?" He said shifting his focus back to the three maknae who were still staring at you with questioning eyes.

"G-o-t i-t?" He enunciated with wide eyes finally gaining a response from the boys in the form of a "ye, got it" in monotone unison.

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