Rough Day: Part One

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I had this written out for a while but discovered I couldn't continue with another chapter without typing this first... So I also split the chapter in half, cus I'm lazy and really wanted to at least update today...

Work was tough, there was an occasional lull in the load, but with it being BTS’ first time in Portugal, they were rare…. One of those days was approaching and all you had to do was get through these last two days. The boys already had a gruesome schedule of interviews and performances that you had to attend and interpret without fail as was your new job. Thrown right into the middle of it all.

The stress of it was over consuming, suddenly in an overwhelmingly new job environment in addition to your already inhabilitating anxiety. You were not exactly accustomed to this amount of continuous and rigorous work, it was draining you of what little life force you had left after the initial shock, and it was going fast.

You were too nervous to leave your room for anything, other than when you absolutely had to for work… You weren't even eating much, but that was actually pretty normal for you anyway. The only thing that could bring you back up being those three wonderful boys and the regular calls to your sister and family…

So with you being you, and with being you having chronic stress migraines… You knew in the back of your mind, one was inevitably sure to creep up on you during your stay with this new job… So you weren't exactly surprised perse when the little uninvited spots suddenly sprung up in your vision as you walked into the building for an important interview you had to sit in for that day… But that didn't keep you from trying to avoid it, or at least trying to hide it…

I hope to god that I just looked at a bright light or some shit… You silently panicked to yourself as you tried to follow the growing little dots swimming around in your vision. Even though you were absolutely sure you hadn't, you were still gonna try and convince yourself otherwise to deviate from the answer scratching at the back of your mind.

“Something wrong?” You didn't realize your own face contorting into a nice show of panic and losing about three shades of color before Namjoon had already noticed it himself and asked a concerned question accordingly… Your eyes shot up to him with a blank expression, before your brain quickly spit out a sufficient answer…

“N-no… I-I just think I m-might feel a h-headache coming on… Or something…” You stuttered out with a nervous smile as you shook your head fervently, dropping your gaze unable to look him in the eyes as you lied to him. His eyebrows furrowed in concern.

“Oh… Are you sure you're okay…?” He pushed on with a hint of worry.

“Y-yeah! Yeah, I'll just go take some ibuprofen or something….” You waved your hands in front of you in a dismissive manner, with as genuine of a smile as you could pull through your sudden cold sweat at the sudden confrontation.

He side eyed you for a short time but eventually gave you a bittersweet smile before turning back to Hoseok and thankfully shrugging the interaction off. You sighed in partial relief, your body still tense as the spots continued to consume even more of your vision. You watched your feet move one in front of the other. You were only able to see one emerge for a step as the other was completely engulfed by one large black spot.

I really hope I just looked at the fucking sun for too long and am just panicking over nothing… You thought as you attempted a last ditch effort of forcefully blinking the hideous spots away. You began biting at your lip as you continued to have a heated internal debate about what you were gonna do now… Your heart was now beating a mile a minute as you felt the anxiety bubbling up in your stomach.

Great… You looked up once more and when you couldn't see the entirety of what you assumed to be Taehyung head bobbing in and out of existence as he walked in front of you, you couldn't ignore the truth anymore.

You definitely didn't look at the sun, and even if you did, sun spots don't just make you lose huge growing chunks of your vision. The only thing that did that were migraine auras… The things you get without fail before every mind splitting and vomit inducing migraine you get when your body decides that's how it's gonna relieve stress today…

Ugh… What do I do about this now…? You silently panicked to yourself before excusing yourself to the bathroom to calm yourself down and sort things out.

You pushed open the door and beelined for the sinks, immediately splashing cold water on your face. You placed your shaky hands on the sides of the sink and closed your eyes and just breathed for a minute. Then you pulled your shoulder bag over to your front and fumbled through it to find two prescription medication bottles. One for migraines and one for anxiety. You popped then both in you mouth and took a swig of caffeine to wash it down. Mentally calming yourself down once more before walking out of the bathroom.

“Woah! There you are.” You nearly collided with a frantically searching Taehyung as soon as you stepped foot outside of the bathroom. All your previous success at calming yourself down suddenly all down the drain as you maneuvered your point of focus so you could at least get a quick glance of the boy out of your peripherals.

“We were looking for you, since you just disappeared on us.” You settled for keeping eye contact with the top of his head so you could at least partially see his mouth moving from beneath the black abyss in your sight.

“Well, I just went to the bathroom,” You spoke as calmly as you could, hoping that he wouldn't notice the lack of eye contact… Since you literally couldn't tell where you were looking. You didn't want to worry them or cause problems for the interview so you decided to just keep quiet for today.

“I was heading back just now…” You added when he doesn't respond for a few seconds, not exactly knowing what his facial expression looked like at the moment.

“You okay?” He suddenly asked instead and your heart plummeted to your stomach violently, you pray he didn't notice.

“Y-yeah, I'm fine. Why'd you ask?” You gazed down and swallowed hard as you slid past him and start on your way back.

“You– just… I dunno.” He followed after you scratching his head nervously as he tried to find words but soon dropping it to your relief and the conversation ends there.

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