Holed Up

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Your eyes slowly fluttered open in response to the gentle touch on your shoulder. Softly rocking you out of sleep as you scanned your surroundings within a drowsy haze, your eyes finally landing on the figure in front of you.

“Y/N~ Wake uupp~” It took quite some time before you could decipher the words being spoken to you. It took even longer for you to connect the voice to the blurry face that was slowly coming into focus.

You eventually recognized the words as coming from Jeongguks mouth, who was the figure directly in front of you. Currently trying to wake you from one of the best sleep you've ever had.

You looked at him for a moment with furrowed brows until you felt a shift in what you were laying on. Realizing the situation you were in far too late as everything suddenly clicked in your head. All the events that took place before you slept suddenly came rushing in. Your eyes instantly became wide as you noticed all of the looks you were receiving.

You shot right up into the straightest sitting position faster than you ever thought possible as blush crept up your cheeks with a delayed reaction. Jeongguk jumped back startled by your sudden reaction, almost hitting his head on the cabin roof.

You tried to avoid their stares on you and Tae, who slowly began to stir awake himself. Your desperate eyes flicked to him who looked so small, defenseless, and fluffy in his moments of waking. He grunted softly as he stretched his arms above his head and invaded your space as he did the same with his legs.

“좋은아침~(joh-eun achim/good morning)” He acted as if everything was completely normal as he yawned his greeting. With their eyes momentarily distracted by Taehyung you slipped past Jeongguk and snatched your backpack.

Shoving your laptop into it in one swift movement. There were now some glances focused back on you, mostly just Jimin and Jeongguk. You tried your best to avoid them as you swallowed a lump that had formed in your still swollen throat.

You rummaged through your bag and found your black cat face mask. Which you took no time at all to secure on your face. Then you pulled up your hood in an attempt to hide completely from the world.

You kept silent and weren't really bothered the rest of the way. Once you got off the plane, you were at last grouped up with the proper staff and the ride to the hotel was almost comfortable (though still not all all).

Thank the Maker that you were actually put with the staff for rooming too. The members staying on an entirely different floor than you. Now you could finally absorb and acknowledge your current situations and surroundings.

Not that you actually did… You maybe got as far as accepting that you had a job to do and acting on that one thing you knew for sure. Also didn't change the fact that this was the nicest hotel room you've ever stayed in, especially for only being staff…

You had three days to prepare for the interview that was going to signify BTS’ first ever Euro-tour, so it was important. And you were the one who was going to have to translate it.

All three days you kept yourself holed up in your hotel room. Not leaving once. Not wanting to face the slightest chance there was of you running into one of them in the halls or more specifically, running into Taehyung…

You studied, slept, and ordered room service when you needed to. When the three days finally passed you were much less worried about them. Having been consumed with work day and night you no longer had time to worry about anything other than that. Still you were nervous for the interview...

The hotel was utter chaos and more than hectic by noon with everyone preparing to leave for the interview. The managers and more important staff had already left with the members beforehand to prepare at the location of the interview.

As you walked through the halls clutching the bag that held your own supplies. Your eyes shifted back and forth nervously as you watched staff run back and forth in a panic as they packed beauty products, recording equipment, etc and the finishing touches of what they needed.

You eventually made it out and left in a cramped car with the planners and sound crew. Squished between two middle aged Korean men holding equipment (you've definitely had better rides).

When you arrived at the building where the interview would take place. The chaos there wasn't much less than how it was at the hotel. You shrank into yourself when as soon as you walked through the doors several people began to talk at you in Portuguese. You were able to somehow make out a single question from the tanglement of words.

“Você é o tradutor?(you the translator?)” You hurriedly nodded your head with nervousness plastered on your face for sure. To which one of them guided you by the arm, surprisingly gently, to a room. The man then left you without any further instructions and you were abandoned there clueless.

You gradually found your way into a corner of the room somewhat out of all of the commotion. As you swept your eyes around the room you noticed all seven members not too far away getting their hair and make-up done. You couldn't suppress your inner fangirl from reminding you that you've always secretly wanted to see them get their hair and make-up done.

You were still in the predicament that you couldn't figure out what you were doing there and what you were supposed to be doing. Just as that thought went through your head you felt something graze your ear.

You jumped in place, startled as someone suddenly began fitting you with a mic and ear piece. You turned to see a woman who then shoved a script written entirely in Portuguese into your hands.

You let out a shaky breath as that same woman then proceeded to lead to a seat off camera with kind hands (thank god you weren't put somewhere visible on camera). She placed her hands on your shoulders then put you in your seat, calmly rubbing your shoulder in and comforting way before resuming her other tasks.

You were thankful for that woman as you softly closed your eyes and muted all other noises around you. Regulating your breathing and calming yourself down, erasing your nervousness.

When you opened up your eyes again the commotion had settled down considerably and you could see the members appearing out of the room. Then the long awaited interview finally began...

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