Rough Day (continued)

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Just as your vision slowly began to return, it at the very same moment felt like someone was easing a threateningly large animal onto your face, where it proceeded to stay from then on. You winced when anyone did something as simple as fumble with a prop, dropping it to the ground.

The sound reverberated excruciatingly through your skull, sounding at least 10x louder than it normally should've, as well as being at least 10x more painful. You dropped your pounding face into your hands, hiding away the fact that it was contorted in agony. Just before feeling someone slip an earpiece into your ear, something you've gotten quite used to over your time with them.

Suddenly you wanted to rip it out instantly along with your own eardrum when you heard feedback pour painfully into your pulsing head. Attempting as best as possible not to make it too obvious that just a little feedback to you felt like a bullet ripping through your brain.

Before the sound muddled out into a slow and painful buzz in your ear, a voice echoed into your ear announcing the 30 minute warning before the boys were on...

You just have to endure this one thing... Three more hours and you'll be done, alright... You groaned and pushed your fingers deeper into your temples and felt your stomach unsettlingly flip at the thought. The nausea finally setting in after just 10 minutes after the pain started.

Time continued to pass as you just sat there like a statue trying to focus on anything else other than the explosive pain continuing to set off a war within your head.

You could finally hear the screams of excited fans as the stadium began to fill up and you just wanted to bash your own head into the wall. Maybe that would overpower the pain that was trying so hard to burst open your skull with pressure.

You sat up as straight as possible, your stomach pain trying to force your body to curl in on itself, you feigned normalcy when people passed by. Especially if it were any of the BTS members since they were already looking at you kind of concerned and worried, word must've got around...

You don't even know how you did it yourself if anybody were to ask, but you stuck around through the first half of the program without too many mistakes or blatantly appearing as if you were in the excruciating pain that you in fact were in. But it was during your break before the second half when you became aware that you weren't as good at hiding your pain as you thought...

"You sure you're okay?" Yoongi asked for the fourth time since he first saw you hunched over, shoving that protein bar into your mouth in a poor attempt to force some food into your body.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine... Just a little headache." The voice that came out of your mouth wasn't even half as convincing as you intended it to be. He frowned again at your weakly trying at a reassuring smile, opening his mouth to protest again before his attention was ripped away by a staff member. He flashed you a quick apologetic smile that clearly said he wasn't done with you yet before reluctantly going with the noona who was pulling him away. As soon as he was out of sight your face dropped and your blood ran cold as you felt an acidic burp bubble up in your throat. Your mouth began to salivate in preparation for the stomach acids that were soon to trespass your mouth and the bile rose as you could feel your stomach beginning to betray you.

You scanned the room quickly, checking for the nearest hidden area to escape to and scouting like an owl for unwanted witnesses. And just as you thought you were in the clear, feet already moving to launch yourself forward, Jimin and Taehyung emerged from one of the rooms talking animatedly.

Thousands of plans and schemes to avoid them bounced around your head at an impossible rate each one getting shot down by the slowly creeping flavor of your acidy breakfast nudging at your mouth. It was too late.

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